Obamacare Waivers Responsible for 25% of Job Growth?

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The good news is that the economy added about 268,000 new jobs. The bad news is that 25 percent (62,000) were from McDonald’s. That’s honorable and respectable work, of course. But consider this: Had the Obama administration not granted McD’s a waiver from having to abide by the law, it might not have added all those workers.

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How many of the other jobs were ”real or imagined” jobs?
I mean jobs ”created or saved.”
Also LOL!
The Dept of Labor has a formula it created to add in jobs that they imagine were created.
I forget the exact reason for this, but it has been a tradition.
Some sort of extrapolation formula is involved.
Anyway, it (this formula) has been totally repudiated yet Obama’s Labor dept still uses it.