Obamacare Spikes ER Visits Despite Promise to Do Opposite

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A key cost-reducing aim of Obamacare was to reduce expensive emergency room visits by having taxpayers subsidize coverage for the uninsured. However, according to a forthcoming survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians, nearly half of ER doctors report they are seeing more, not fewer, people entering the emergency room.

Tenet Healthcare CEO Trevor Fetter told the Wall Street Journal the rise in ER visits is contrary to cost containment.

“It’s all right with us [because] we run hospitals with emergency rooms, but in terms of the overall cost to the system, you’d want them to find care in a different setting,” said Fetter.

The surge in ER visits is also creating crowding in places like Napa, California’s St. Joseph Health Queen of the Valley Medical Center where patients are now put in the hallways on a regular basis because there is no space in the emergency room.

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), himself a former OB-GYN, says it’s yet another broken Obamacare promise.

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A key cost-reducing aim of Obamacare was to reduce expensive emergency room visits by having taxpayers subsidize coverage for the uninsured.

Fewer than 300,000 previously uninsured are on O’Care.
But taxpayers are subsidizing SOMEBODIES!
The vast majority of many states’ sign-ups were eligible for taxpayer subsidies.
Just think if we add another 42 million to that pile-on.
AND also all those who Obama considers eligible who had insurance before.
Only a few will be paying for almost everyone else!

OR…..a lot of people will choose to pay nothing and not even sign up.
The ER’s will continue to be over-loaded with them.

Emergency room visits are rising because Obama Care is requiring longer wait times for scheduled medical visits

Funny…exactly as we who warned against obamacare predicted.

Just like we predicted you wouldn’t be able to keep your doctor…
Or your insurance plan….
and that you wouldn’t see an average decrease of $2500/yr for a family of four’s insurance policy cost..
and that taxes would go up for everyone in spite of Obama’s lying….
and that the dems would find a way to force people to pay for abortion….
and that illegal aliens would be signed up for taxpayer-subsidized “free” health care….
and that businesses would cut people’s work hours and eliminate jobs to avoid the increased costs of obamacare…..

The breathtaking audacity of the leftists in continuing to support this insanity is painful to behold. Let us compare all the things we predicted would occur with obamacare versus all the things the leftists predicted and see which side has been closest to reality….yet the collectivists STILL insist that obamacare is a great idea.

As with all government intervention, you are going to increase the cost and decrease the quality in a direct correlation to the magnitude of government control of a particular enterprise.

There are going to be fewer doctors.
There are going to be longer wait times, and with government, unionized bureaucrats in control there will be massive corruption, deceit and inefficiency a la the VA scandal.
There will be ever greater calls for reduced payments to “greedy doctors”
There will be calls for laws to force physicians to accept obamacare patients or have their medical licenses revoked.
More people are going to die from not being able to see a doctor, and leftist jerks like Ezekiel Emmanuel will continue to deny the existence of death panels despite the obvious function of the IPAB within obamacare.

Obamacare must be destroyed, and every democrat running for office needs to be harrangued at ever campaign event with the disaster of obamacare, the inherent corruption of the socialist VA system, and the complete economic failure of the leftist administration.