Obamacare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More

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Watch as Emanuel lies repeatedly:

If you want to keep your doctor, you might have to pay more for it, Obamacare architect Zeke Emanuel said today on Fox News Sunday:

The host, Chris Wallace, said: “President Obama famously promised, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Doesn’t that turn out to be just as false, just as misleading, as his promise about if you like your plan, you can keep your plan? Isn’t it a fact, sir, that a number, most, in fact, of the Obamacare health plans that are being offered on the exchanges exclude a number of doctors and hospitals to lower costs?”

“The president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go to,” said the Obamacare architect.

“No. He asked a question. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Did he not say that, sir?”

“He didn’t say you could have unlimited choice.”

“It’s a simple yes or no question. Did he say if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?”

“Yes. But look, if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice. We know in all sorts of places you pay more for certain — for a wider range of choices or wider range of benefits.The issue isn’t the selective networks. People keep saying, Oh, the problem is you’re going to have a selective network–”

“Well, if you lose your doctor or lose your hospital–”

“Let me just say something,” said Emanuel. “People are going to have a choice as to whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network.”

“Which will mean your premiums will probably go up.”

“They get that choice. That’s a choice they always made.”

“Which means your premium may go up over what you were paying so that, in other words —

“No one guaranteed you that your premium wouldn’t increase. Premiums have been going up.”

“The president guaranteed me I could keep my doctor,” said Wallace.

“And if you want to, you can pay for it,” said Emanuel.

The video and more is at The Weekly Standard

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Maybe Obama should call Zeke back in and send out someone less abrasive.

Ezekiel is a loathesome, dishonest progressive gasbag. I argued with him at a medical conference this year. He ignores facts that are devastating to his leftist propaganda, and makes egregiously misleading and purposefully slippery statements to try to twist out of admitting truth. When he can’t do that, he simply shouts down whoever is refuting him and tries to change the subject. He is a truly vile individual.

I truly hope Obama continues using this self-impressed, extreme left, eugenicist academic oncologist as a propgandist for obamacare. Everytime Emanuel opens his mouth, the nastiness he reveals helps more and more people realize the inherent evil of obamacare. Just ask your friendly neighborhood LIV to watch this clip, then ask them if that is the kind of ‘doctor’ they want determining if a family member deserves to receive a particular medical treatment.

Because that is what we will be getting if obamacare is not repealed. Count on it.

If it wasn’t essentially a ‘death panel’, then why did the propagandists suddenly decide to change the name of the IPAB to whatever newfangled title they came up with? Health Technology Advisory Panel – or whatever they changed it to?

Obamacare delenda est.