Feel that Racial Healing running through you.
Obama: "Bull Connor might be gone, but today we witness with our own eyes, police officers kneeling on the necks of Black Americans. George Wallace may be gone, but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators." pic.twitter.com/8w4geWxSQ2
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 30, 2020
“Mostly peaceful:”
Rioters bring fuel to start fires and create incendiary devices on the go. The intent from day one has been to burn down the building and kill officers inside. https://t.co/HQtgtD1sel
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) July 30, 2020
Julie Kelly notes that Obama makes the George Wallace charge on the exact same day his allied political operatives at the New York Times start up on that newest Storyline:
Quite a coincidence. Obama compares Trump to George Wallace at a funeral today and the NYT just HAPPENS to have a long article along the same lines with quotes from Wallace’s daughter. Like magic! https://t.co/eOt31HeNt8
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) July 30, 2020
I think it’s time to start staging Mostly Peaceful Protests (TM) at this Marxist’s home.
the radicalized, gay, muslin terrorist spent the last two years in office going around the world and apologising for America. obama-shit is truly feces in a tailor suit. wonder when his elephant wife in 5″ hooker heels was? OH! forgot she stated that she was a sex symbol. john lewis was not an example of pure and shinning manhood.
The Democrat Party supported the KKK, slavery, and Jim Crow. The Democrats were defeated, but continued to put the knee to the neck of the blacks with welfare, social justice farces, and voter hand-holding.
Barack Obama is the whitest President we’ve ever had.
@Nathan Blue:
Remember, the 7 justices who ruled against Dred Scott were all Democrats. That is history the Democrats are trying to get us all to ignore.
Why is someone who is half white, half black considered all black?
Meanwhile, the man in the White House speculates: Things aren’t looking so good for my reelection right now. Could I cancel the election?
Note to the President: Absentee ballots are almost always mailed in. The difference is that some states require there to be a specific reason for submitting your ballot in this fashion.
A pandemic of a communicable disease for which no specific vaccine or medication exists that is particularly dangerous to older voters might be a good reason. Particularly when measures some states have already put in place have resulted in crowded polling places and very long waits in line to vote.
29 states already have no-excuse absentee voting by mail.
Speaking the truth is not vilification.
First, Lewis was a civil rights icon. He fought against racism, abuse and prejudice (oddly, at the hands of Democrats). However, he negated all that by supporting the Trump impeachment. He and anyone else that supported that Constitutional abuse get nor deserve any respect.
That said, Obama certainly couldn’t pass up an opportunity to LIE, even if it was delivering a eulogy. Obama’s legacy of lies and corruption should be buried along with Lewis.
Who would have thought that the demokrats, especially Obama, would have used a funeral to advance their political agenda? It’s never happened before, right? Obama is getting back out into the spotlight again. The rat is cornered with Spygate and he knows it. He needs to get out there and rally his sheep around him in order to try and protect his “legacy”. No matter how much he criticizes and deflects blame to others, he is still the most anti-American, corrupt, power abusing President in history. And as a side note, he couldn’t hold a candle to the late, great Herman Cain.
@another vet:
And two of the speakers today were the two most scummy presidents we have ever had who used their office as President to gain great wealth while in office.
So classy. No one lies with such class as Obama.
@Greg: You got trolled, moron. Good job.
Partisan rhetoric by a lame duck ex-president. Easily dismissed.
Funny how your Manchurian candidate who is now free to make netflix propaganda and buy mansions can speak more clearly than your ACTUAL candidate, Joe Biden.
The November election is already over. Trump wins.
Irrelevant. Absentee ballots are not mail-in voting.
The arguments about how mass mail in voting ballots can be tampered with is valid, and you know it.
@retire05: No coincidence they belong to the same party although I don’t think Clinton hates the country the way Obama does.
@Nathan Blue:
My dad received one yesterday. He died six and a half years ago. My good friend’s dad received one yesterday too. Her dad died three years ago. In a state run by a corrupt demokrat party like Illinois, what devious antics could possibly happen?
@Nathan Blue:
That’s why Comrade Greggie supports mail in ballots.
@Nathan Blue:
They’re mostly mailed in, so Trump’s argument that they’re a HUGH fraud risk as compared with absentee ballots is a load of horse manure. He just knows his odds of reelection are dropping by the day, as the economy crashes and COVID-19 surges. He’s setting up a backstory to rationalize an election delay, or a refusal to accept the results. It’s also why republicans have been persistently attacking the post office.
The proven instances of election fraud by mail are so minuscule as to be totally irrelevant. The Heritage Foundation’s own study demonstrated that. If they want delays, they can take as long as they want with tabulation, counting, and double-checking the results. That’s better than a COVID-19 election surge on top of the troubles we’ve already got.
I suppose there was not enough good things to say about the carcass they have been hauling around for Barry not to wander off subject.
Neither of those constitutes fraud.
@retire05: 1 term Tony with his last minute attempts at postponing our spring election threw everything into total chaos, a decision that could only be made constitutionally by our elections board. Then Both GB and Milwaukees Democrat Mayors caused long long lines by closing polling places and rejecting assistance offered for free from our fully trained NG, effectively supressing the minority vote. Bins of undelivered absentee ballots found in Milwaukee.
Now Tony the dictator has declared a mask order ignoring it was a fiasco and utter failure in California.
Once again this nations #1 Worst president once again proves he all mouth and no mind a typical Liberal Democrat
the number of current absentee ballots is small. Mail in ballots, if not properly secured, can tip an election.
Which is of course what the Dems/Leftist want.
Given that Trump was totally exonerated of so-called “russian collusion” and the real crime was committed by the Obama admin, trying to supplant out democratic system, I’d suggest “The One” lay low for awhile. Biden can’t win, and the Dem party is in shambles.
A grifter gets a send-off to the Great Beyond with the utterly valueless words of a whole buncha grifters.
The lack of honesty about this is difficult to understand. Politically, it would be a career suicide bomb to speak the truth about lewis. However, no one else seems interested in pointing out how lewis was a grifting clinger to King’s coattails and has been the model of racism peddling into a lucrative cash prize for himself.
It’s surprising he looks so haggard: the guy never worked a day in his life!
I guess rising at 10:30am each day to watch basketball and have parties all night for 8 years takes its toll.
If you look at photos of that beast he tows around without makeup, you’ll see some very haggard sh*t.
I shut off the radio every time they play a portion of his hate filled rantings. Americans had to put up with listening to his whistling speech when he was President for as long as humanly possible because of the office he held. I cannot stand to hear him utter one word now. He affects his speech to black audiences, no different than Hillary tried to do.
His yammering is akin to belches of satanic vehemence. He harmed this country far more than most people will ever acknowledge. He purposely ignited racial issues by inserting himself in specially selected reports meant to drive a wedge between the black community and the white community, before any real facts of the cases were even known. The riots and destruction we see in the leftist garbage towns and cities today are the results of his hate.
His “wife” is no better, but at least we didn’t have to hear her nearly as much as him.
He talks as he is, a snake, a serpent, the favorite appearance of Satan. To me he is a child of the fallen angel, and man child he remains. A petty, hate-filled narcissist who was handed the highest office in the land for nothing he did of merit. I fear this country will never be free from the evils he did to the US.
did anyone read the entire eulogy? if was not a eulogy but a VERY LONG SPEECH to honor HIMSELF and say that pediphile jow would make a good pres.
@Nathan Blue:
Cmon… my dog barks more articulately than Biden.
No, it isn’t. It is solidly based on fact. We’ve also seen numerous contemporaneous examples of gross negligence and fraud, some of it carried out by Republicans. I think it’s noteworthy that even in the days of this country’s youth, when travel was difficult and hazardous, voting in person was the norm. Again, if you can claim the masses of protester, rioters, looters and terrorists going out every day and night since Memorial Day doesn’t spread the virus, how can people standing in line, with masks and social distancing, present a threat? The support for universal vote by mail is nothing but a support for a golden opportunity for massive fraud and election theft.
Obama like Clinton and the rest of the Democrats support the Crinimal’s over the Law Abiding American Citizens