Oops! I meant Romney “too white” for blacks to like:
In advance of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s speech Wednesday to the NAACP, a liberal group headed by a former New York Times reporter and ex-Media Matter executive have produced a video “satire” that claims blacks don’t like Romney, who they dub so white he makes “Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel.”
The YouTube from “The Message,” an online “media hub,” is described as a satirical video of Romney getting advice on what to say to the civil rights group. Or, as they said in a release, the video “lacerates Romney and his advisors as they prepare for his speech to NAACP in Houston on Wednesday.”
The lead “advisor” in the video is described as the brainchild of the 1988 Willie Horton ads and the 2004 swift boat campaign. He states bluntly that “blacks don’t like us and we’re about to give a speech to a whole lot of them.”
He also says to the candidate, “you are so white, you are extremely white, you make Wonder Bread look like pumpernickel,” before advising the Romney actor never fully seen to “go on out there and get all Mormon, Martin Luther King on them, you’re going to be great.”
More of this here
Actually Obama is to red for Americans to like.
If it will make the racists shut up, I would say I hate Obama’s WHITE half!
I despise his POLICIES.
It really has nothing to do with his color.
I adore the black politicians who happen to back policies I believe are going to benefit this country.
You have got to love this breaking news. Obama says Hugo Chavez not ‘serious’ threat. How dumb is America. There is a concept called the Iranian Venezuelan connection. Three AQ television stations how broadcast to the citizens of south america 24/7 in arabic, spanish and farsi. Arms shipments and narcotic are trafficked via this connection has been very lucrative for both countries. training camps in Venezuela has been set up to tain AQ members. Transfer into the US via mexico or Canada is not as hard as via a national port of entry. And guess who has encouraged this with US foreign policy? opei….Red Dawn is not that far off amigo.. your pres. has screwed this country so bad. you might want to die tonight..if you don’t, one of his drug high cocaine-bath salt assassin’s will get you.
Considering the official racist position the Mormon church took regarding them until the mid-1970s, why on earth would any black American even consider voting for Mitt Romney? He has never clearly stated what his own position was before that point in time.
Why wouldn’t he clarify that point?
Because what isn’t said leaves a doubt that is very appealing to closet racists, which represent a significant presence on the right. It might be enough to make some of them overlook a few other peculiarities.
Really now Jason. Using your own bigotry to go after Romney and Mormons in general for presumed historical bigotry that they didn’t commit? Why don’t you just ask your questions to fellow Democrat (and Mormon,) Harry Reid? Even your own peers are noting their surprize at the amount of anti-Mormon bigotry from leftist scum like you:
Democrats Have Bigger Anti-Mormon Problem in Election Than GOP Has
Mormons Not Popular With Democrat Voters, Poll Finds
Larry O’Donnell’s Latest Rant: Mormonism ‘Demented, Ridiculous’
You must have found “presumed historical bigotry” in the same spin doctor’s handbook where Peter Beinart found “allegedly weird theology.”
It is clear by the very name of the link you provided http://www.exposemittromney.com/blacks.html that is a site designed to incite racial hatred against Mormons, for the purely political means to attack Romney. The site relies on quotations that may or may not have been accurately reproduced. Since the raison d’être of the site is to create anti-Morman bigotry in the minds of blacks, it is suffice to say I have no interest in giving the site any credence whatsoever by looking up the words of these long dead persons for accuracy of word or context. I would be no more inclined to examine similar uses of quotes from a Neo-Nazi or Ku klux Klan site. Bigotry towards people because of their race or religion is despicable, and the more so when it is being done for political propaganda means. Consider this a reflection of the disgust and scorn I hold for bigots such as yourself.
obama is too RED to most of the American people, be they black or white
Wow, got to go back to the mid-seventies for that one…Is Mitt a spokesman for the LDS church? No, case closed…Why don’t you ask the same of O’bozo who sat in Rev Wright’s racist, anti-American church of mental poison for twenty years?
I recall that Romney’s father was instrumental in pressuring the LDS leadership into changing that position all those decades ago.
Nonetheless, as the Democratic Party was the historic home of Jim Crowe segregation and of the KKK it is hard to imagine how black American could have a legitimate problem voting for Mitt Romney.
“Nonetheless, as the Democratic Party was the historic home of Jim Crowe segregation and of the KKK it is hard to imagine how black American could have a legitimate problem voting for Mitt Romney.”
Even if they overlook the church’s past institutional bigotry, there would still be the matter of Romney’s disregard for the well-being of the average working class and middle class American.
If the Civil War had not intervened, one might have expected that the US Army would have gotten around to terminating the Mormon movement in Utah during the 1860s. You see the Mormons in Utah had a practice of massacring “gentile” (non-Mormon) Americans. Hundreds and hundreds of non-Mormons were massacred. The Mormons however did not target colored peoples. They allied themselves with persons of color to engage in massacres of “white” non-Mormons.
Remember, Barack Obama mother’s family were slave owning white DemoKKKrats during the 1850s or so.
During the century or so after the Civil War white DemoKKKrats however targeted and lynched thousand and thousands of Black Americans.
Then there is Islam … remember, Barack Obama’s father and stepfather were both Muslims …
Where did southern segregationist Democrats go when LBJ took a stand against institutional racism? They found a new home in the Republican Party.
One DemoKKKrat in particular comes to mind. He led the Democratic caucus as Senate Majority Leader from 1977 to 1981 and 1987 to 1989, and as Senate Minority Leader from 1981 to 1987. From 1989 to 2010 he served as the President pro tempore of the United States Senate when the Democratic Party had a majority, and as President pro tempore emeritus during periods of Republican majority beginning in 2001. As President pro tempore, he was third in the line of presidential succession, behind the Vice President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He also served as the Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations from 1989 to 1995, 2001 to 2003, and 2007 to 2009, giving him extraordinary influence over federal spending.
Then there is Islam … remember, Barack Obama’s father and stepfather were both Muslims …
Another DemoKKKrat signed The Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. He subsequently joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as voting against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Leaving the Senate on December 31, 1974, he served as Democratic Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1959 to 1974–he was the longest-serving chair in that committee’s history.
Then there is Islam … remember, Barack Obama’s father and stepfather were both Muslims …
@Mike O’Malley: Mike the Left never tolerates the religion or doctrine of those they oppose to any degree approaching the tolerance they demand themselves. Obama’s patrilineal Islamic roots are of no greater consequence than his 20 odd year immersion in Wright’s racist theology. These are acceptable to the Left while the LDS is not. They will no more extend tolerance of religion anymore than they take ownership of Obama and Holder’s agenda flouting the laws of the land. You can lead the Left to the cool, clean waters of logic but you cannot make them partake.
Thank you for your worthy response Brian.
My point extends to the America’s Black community. Over the last 1200 years or so Islam has killed maybe as many as 100,000 black African non-Muslims a year. It continues to kill and enslave non-Muslim Black Africans to this very day. The Atlantic slave trade existed in no small part because of the military pressure Islamic Jihad effected against non-Muslim kingdoms in West Africa.
There is something vile and Hypocritical about Black America’s double standard here: widespread approval of Islam and widespread repudiation of Mormonism.
@Mike O’Malley:
While it is vile and hypocritical, Mike, it is caused by ignorance of Islam itself, and in this sense, black America isn’t alone. When we get bombarded with statements about Islam being a religion “of peace”, much of it coming from clueless politicians and MSM journalists, the majority of America remains ignorant about Islam’s violent history.
Oh, we get the narrative by those clueless politicians and MSM journalists on Christianity’s own violent history, and they compare that history to their watered down version of Islam itself that omits the violence perpetrated by Mohommed himself in spreading his “religion”, and the violence that continued after his death. In some cases this is deliberate omission, but in most I’d say that it is simply due to ignorance by those who try to “inform” the masses.
@Mike O’Malley: Mike, what is missing in our present day is the understanding that Islam has always possessed an intrinsic desire to encompass and subjugate any social/religious form it encounters in strength. We in the West,as a culture do not remember and thus learn from what the battles of Tours,Granada and the Gates of Vienna accomplished. Islam has never forgotten. Something that should be of great concern is that Islam is becoming the religion of choice in Southern Mexico. Combine that with Chavez,Hezbollah,the Cartels and a porous southern border and it becomes a only matter of time before we see what evils will come from this.