Obama to Boehner: You’ve got until the end of the year to pass an immigration bill or else I order executive amnesty

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Heads he wins, tails you lose. As Gabe Malor says, this deadline is completely unserious: It’d be bad enough for Republicans to pass a weak immigration bill next year, but that at least would have the virtue of giving the GOP’s new crop of senators a crack at voting on it. Trying to sneak a bill through the lame-duck session, before Cory Gardner, Joni Ernst, and the rest of the freshmen have a say, would mean all-out war at this point between Boehner, McConnell, and the base. Joe Biden at least seems to understand that. That’s why he floated a mid-February deadline at Friday’s White House summit with the GOP before Obama gave him a death stare that shut him up. I think Obama understands it too, actually. His ultimatum here is likely born not out of ignorance of Boehner’s predicament but a new determination to make Republicans pay politically after they swamped him last Tuesday. Issuing executive amnesty so soon after a landslide is an act of supreme defiance of the election results, in keeping with last week’s “I’m listening to all the people who didn’t vote” press conference. And it’s also a middle finger to congressional Democrats who spent the last six months giving him the “Barack who?” treatment on the stump. If executive amnesty puts them in a tough spot too, screw ‘em. Besides, the only Dems left in Congress at this point are in states or districts so blue that they won’t lose in 2016 no matter how crazy he gets. He’s now fully entered the YOLO phase of his presidency.

Actually, maybe Obama doesn’t understand Boehner’s predicament. Here’s a tidbit from WSJ’s mini-bombshell on Friday about secret talks on immigration between the White House and the House GOP over the past year.

Mr. Obama offered Mr. Boehner what he saw as a compromise: The White House would defer executive action on immigration until after the summer to give the speaker maneuvering room, a deal Mr. Obama confirmed in his Wednesday news conference.

In the discussion, however, he followed up with his go-to talking point in dealings with Mr. Boehner: “There will never be another Republican president again if you don’t get a handle on immigration reform.”

Mr. Boehner resented getting advice from a Democratic president on how to make Republicans a viable political force. What he wanted was more specific: A strategy to build a coalition in the House that could pass a bill.

It became increasingly common, aides said, for Mr. Boehner to hang up the phone with Mr. Obama and sigh: “He just doesn’t get it.”

That has a ring of truth. Sounds like Boehner was asking him to deliver a certain number of House Democrats to help support a deal that would surely be opposed by House conservatives, but influencing Congress isn’t Obama’s thing. Remember when Harry Reid asked him for help twisting Mitch McConnell’s arm on presidential appointments and Obama waved him off? Reid and his staff have allegedly been stewing about that to this day. Or maybe this has less to do with O’s relationship with Congress than the fact that the guy simply doesn’t know how to horse-trade, a theory floated lately by commentators on both the left and the right recently. But now you see the beauty of executive amnesty: No matter how terrible you are at building majorities in Congress to support your agenda, you can always play your unconstitutional trump card and get your agenda enacted that way. I wonder which is the chicken and which is the egg there, in fact. Did O turn to executive orders because he’s a terrible negotiator? Or is he a terrible negotiator because he has no incentive to be a better one with that trump card in his back pocket?

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Who the hell does he think he is? Enough is enough. Get rid of this loon.

The best way to counter Obama is to get some conservative leadership in place that have the spine to go head to head with this President. With Boehner and McConnell they don’t have one set of balls between the two of them.
All Obama has to do is bide his time and these 2 morons will blink first every time and when it comes to “not getting it” Boehner and McConnell share that title equally with this President.

Whatever Obama might be able to do using his Chief Executive authority could be totally supplanted by the provisions of an actual immigration bill. Republicans will soon have majorities in both the House and the Senate. Did people vote for them in the hope that they would double down on doing nothing?


Whatever Obama might be able to do using his Chief Executive authority could be totally supplanted by the provisions of an actual immigration bill.

Correction. It can be stopped without any immigration bill whatsoever. It can be stopped by cutting off the funding. Obama is not the only one in Washington who can play hard ball. And you can bet that if Obama pulls this unconstitutional stunt, Democrat congress critters will be flooded with calls in support of a DE-funding bill. Only a small minority of Americans far leftist and bands of illegal immigrants (who are not citizens) support executive amnesty.

‘Kissing bug’ disease infects OVER 300,000 people in the US…most of whom don’t know they have the parasite referred to as ‘the new AIDS’

Over 300,000 Americans have already been infected with the potentially fatal ‘kissing bug disease’ called Chagas but U.S. healthcare workers lack of knowledge about the illness is letting many cases of the parasite unnoticed. Some doctors are calling it the ‘new AIDS’ because of the way it develops.


Chagas is being called the new AIDS because of its asymptomatic beginnings that can turn to a fatal end if the disease progresses.

‘We were astonished to not only find such a high rate of individuals testing positive for Chagas in their blood, but also high rates of heart disease that appear to be Chagas-related,’ said Nolan Garcia, an epidemiologist at the Baylor College of Medicine.

The CDC has said that they believe most of the people infected with Chagas got the parasite in Mexico or South America before coming to the U.S.