Ben Shapiro @ Big Government:
Today, two top Obama campaign officials fibbed on national television, explaining that they didn’t know about the case of Joe Soptic, a former employee of GST Steel who appeared in an ad by an Obama-associated Super PAC, Priorities USA Action. That adcontroversially – and falsely – claimed that Bain Capital’s shutdown of GST Steel caused Soptic to lose his health insurance, his wife to lose her health insurance, and eventually, her death from cancer due to unaffordability of health care.
This morning, senior campaign advisor and former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, ‘This is an ad by an entity that’s not controlled by the campaign. I certainly don’t know the specifics of this man’s case.” Stephanie Cutter, deputy Obama campaign manager, said, “I don’t know the facts about when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick, or the facts about his health insurance.”
These were lies. The Obama campaign has known for months all about Joe Soptic. In fact, the Obama campaign website ran a slide on Soptic:
Didn’t think you go lower into the sewer than Reid but I was wrong. 0-bama and his disgusting staff have found the bottom of the sewer. Disgusting behavior and then they lie about it. Just like 0-bama and his unemployment committment to get $830 billion. To give this guy more stimulus is worse than just flushing the money down the toilet.
One of the Obama ads using this same guy ends with a photo of Obama and Obama’s own voice saying, “I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.”
How on earth can his camp claim they didn’t know about him????
See it for yourself:
Obama starts at the 1:58 point.
More here:
I didn’t feel like this story was so misleading. If you want to compare lies, you need only look to Romney’s ad about “gutting the work requirement for welfare”. What a whopper.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Bill Clinton may have backed Obama on this, but Obama didn’t back Clinton’s original welfare reform.
There’s a video of Obama saying so, too. See from 1:23 when Obama wanted WORK with welfare.
Then from 2:20 on when Obama went the other way.
Plus what did Obama just do?
Obama has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective.
Obama’s new regulations allow the states to substitute education programs for work to get welfare benefits.
They say that “vocational educational training or job search/readiness programs” “count as well” in meeting the basic condition that recipients work in order to receive welfare benefits.
Remember, in 1996, Congress specifically prohibited the use of education or training to fulfill the requirement.
When it passed welfare reform, Congress expressly limited the authority of the secretary of HHS to waive the work requirement.
In other words, the Secretary has no lawful authority to waive the work requirements of section 607, which is what HHS is doing under Obama’s executive order.
Trent Lott, then Senate Republican Majority Leader, said at the time, “I don’t want anyone going to a truck drivers school that advertises on a matchbook cover and avoiding work.”
But that is exactly what Obama is allowing.
Quotes from:
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
The difference is that the Romney ad is true. Obama has always been against welfare recipients working for their hand out!
BUT….Cutter hosted an Obama campaign conference call in May in which Soptic told reporters the very story featured in the Priorities spot!!!!
On the May 14 Obama campaign call, Soptic detailed his wife’s illness and death.
Then you can hear Stephanie Cutter thanking Soptic for “sharing his experiences” with reporters.
Link to the audio of that May conference call is here:
Cutter must think there is not Internet.
She must also think we all have as short of memories as one or two days, max.
Lib1 said;
You have got to be kidding me. A SuperPac supporting Obama runs the ad. That is bad enough. Then throw in the outright lies that can be proven as such by an elementary school kid, and this whole issue shows that Obama is, as many people here have said, nothing but a Chicago thug politician. I lived there for a number of years. In Chicago, this type of outrageous political behaviour is commonplace.
The people who still support Obama, after this lie, and all the others he, or his admin, or his campaigns, have uttered, are truly sick and deranged individuals. To them, the end is the only thing that counts, and to hell with polite, civil means.
This is an example of what the Democratic Party has been brought down to, by people like Pelosi, Reid, and others.