Obama Sweetens Pot for Taliban with Gitmo Prisoner Exchange Offer

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Andrew C. McCarthy @ The Corner:

The totally-bereft-of-any-Islamist-influence-whatsoever Obama administration certainly can do it all: Negotiating with terrorists (you invite more terrorism when you show the terrorists that it works), hostage exchanges with terrorists (you invite more hostage-taking when you show the hostage-takers that it works), even sweetening a pot you should never have entered in the first place (the terrorists become even more demanding once you show them you are desperate). Yes, the president has reportedly improved the offer he initially made in begging the Taliban terrorist organization to please, please come to the table to negotiate with the hapless Karzai regime.

Not to make any actual concessions, mind you. We’re willing to spring these anti-American jihadists violent extremists from Gitmo if the Taliban will just come and chat. And now, since he’s already playing this dangerously naive game anyway, Obama has apparently even offered to release the Gitmo gang before the terrorists release our POW if that’s what it takes to entice the Taliban to talk to us Karzai.

For his part, Karzai has taken time out from pardoning imprisoned rape victims who agree to marry their rapists to urge Taliban leader Mullah Omar to run for president of Afghanistan’s “Islamic democracy.”

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Is Obama naive?
Or does he realize Islam only can thrive when it has lots of dhimmis* doing all its work?
Islam is not a self-contained functional system.
Without the pillaging and looting, the slaves and dhimmis, it falls apart.
Obama can arrange for dhimmitude for all of the USA to Islam.
There would be nothing we could do to stop him as long as he’s our president.
Once we are declared a ”protected people” (the literal definition of dhimmi) any resistance on our part may be met with terrifying violence.
Even the law (sharia) would be against us.

*Dhimmis: non-Muslims who pay a financial penalty and agree to submit to whatever loathsome demands are made of them by their Muslim overlords.

PS, tonight Obama had another Iftar dinner, breaking the Ramadan ”fast” with some of his Muslim friends.

Maybe this deal is like the way King Obama will get rid of all of the world’s nuclear weapons. He said he would use the weapon of EMBARRASMENT. He would reduce OUR nuclear weapons, then the other countries would be EMBARASSED enough that they would reduce theirs.

Maybe he has the same idea about stopping taking prisoners. Maybe Obama’s thinking is that if we release our prisoners, other countries will release the prisinors they have and quit fighting us. Maybe if we let the United Nations ban guns around the world, we won’t ever have to worry about a gun being used against us. I am feeling safer all the time. Aren’t you? Maybe Obama got his Nobel Peace prize before he actually earned it.