Obama supporters rally around anti-Mormonism

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Anne Sorock @ Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:

What would you think if you were told that the most bigoted, intolerant, hateful, and xenophobic political messages this election cycle are being spread by Obama supporters?

From ridiculing and disrespecting the Mormon religion to spreading secretly taped videos recorded by an Obama supporter in a Mormon church, those on the left are sanctioning this particular form of bigotry because it’s all for the cause: Obama.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in the media, where pages upon pages have been devoted to Romney’s religion. Vicious, anti-Mormon rhetoric, ramping up in the final days leading up to the election, has been spread by MSNBC and CNN hosts, the New York Times (they have devoted anentire section of their website to articles about Mormonism), Washington Post, and the Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan, to name a few. Writes Jason Horowitz in the Washington Post:

Romney accompanied his brothers-in-law to a Mormon temple, where, donning white robes, he solemnly watched as they posthumously baptized their father [Ann’s father] through a proxy, according to a person present at the ceremony.

Yesterday, Breitbart’s John Nolte revealed that Gloria Allred’s October surprise client is spreading anti-Mormon hate around the Internet.

In one recent segment, which I took notes on right after the Tampa convention, Rachel Maddow, having attacked the religion in various ways and perhaps sensing her own intolerance, offhandedly remarked that everything she had said was “ok” because Romney mentioned his faith in his convention speech, rendering it fair game.

A quick perusal of the search results for “Mormon” on Salon.com, which resulted in 5 pages of results, reveals such headlines as “Is Mormon underwear magic,” ”What we should ask Romney about Mormonism,” and “Ann: Mormon missions are just like military service!”

One Salon reporter, Alex Pareene, provided the loophole through which the average unbiased,unxenophobic, unprejudiced liberal can be excused in his article, “The coming war on Mormon jokes.” Writes Pareene:

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Obama supporters only dislike (loathe) a few of the planet’s religions.
Judaism, Christianity and, specifically, the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
They LOVE Muslims!
They LOVE atheists!
They LOVE Gaia-ists!
They LOVE Greenies!
They seem also to LOVE the worship form that involves self-mutilation (tattoos, cuttings, piercings, abortions and more.
They also seem to LOVE weird diets like an austere treatment of their own bellies with brown rice, algae waters, junk foods, stuff like that.
But Anyone who bases their life on the Bible?
They MUST be derided and mocked.

@Nan G:
The Left love people who have no moral compass, as they are easily swayed by any fads, and have no moral filter to help them distinguish between right and wrong.
That is why they hate anyone who has a strong belief, as it insulates them against Leftist propaganda. And we don’t tend to vote for rock stars.
They also hate the off-the-plantation people who think for themselves, like Stacey Dash and Gay conservatives. Just visit the recent headlines for examples.

@Nan G:
Almost forgot:
Another thing that the Left can’t stand is that we religious types worship a being that is greater than ourselves, so our beliefs deny the Liberal belief that there is no being greater than them. The Left is all about worshipping people. In their minds, there is nothing greater than themselves. So they have to destroy us, who believe otherwise.

Obama supporters denied God three time at their so called convention. “Democratic Party” is made up of Marxists, Communists, so called Progressives, Muslims and Atheiests; none of whom believe in God. All are enemies of this Republic. Fuck them all.

Actually, I have several pairs of holey underwear myself.

Obama was an atheist until he found out he was God.

In the 08 Repub. Primaries Mormon Romney was battered by Right Wing Christian Evangelicals. Leaders like Dobson and Haggard spoke passionately against him. Mormonism was called a cult.by some Fundamentalist preachers.

They’ve lightened up in 2012 no doubt fueled by their hatred of Obama.Evangelicals compose about 1/3 of Repub.voters. A primary reason I’m a Dem.

What was it that Jesus said to Peter?
“You will deny me three times before the cock crows” is close.
The liberals denied Him three times before Obama spoke.
Close enough.

@Richard Wheeler:
I guess they decided to go with what they saw as the lesser of two evils.
Sort of like you Libs choosing Obama over Hillery in your primary…

A link to the the video in question, BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals, in case anyone wants to view what has been under discussion.


In their minds, there is nothing greater than themselves.

Well stated and was my point in #7.

Petecat #10 “Evangelicals see Romney as the lesser of two evils.” True

Dems thought Obama over Hillary the better of two GREAT choices.

Petercat and A.V. If there is no one better than me the country and world are in dire straits.lol

Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:
“If there is no one better than me the country and world are in dire straits.”
Agreed, Richard. Add my name to that list. I’m always grateful that there are so many in the world who are better than me.
I depend on them to make up for my shortcomings.
Art, science, writing, medicine…
All I have is a battered, tarnished suite of armor and a d*mned horse that I can’t catch.

@Greg: Good to have you admit that the title of chief BOHICA man belongs souly to you. To bad you couldn’t have traded places with Amb. Stevens before he “was done dirty“.

@Greg: You really don’t want to go there??? (Rev. Wright, Islamo Pedophilia, ….)

@Marine72, #16:

Seems to me your lot went there first. (Rev. Wright, Islamo Pedophilia, ….)

Apparently you don’t like people having the option to click on a link and decide for themselves. How does that square with all of the self-righteous lecturing we got from the right about Freedom of Speech in connection with the left’s criticism of the recent anti-Islam video?

The inconsistencies are interesting.

@Richard Wheeler: I warned people a long time ago that when my generation started running things, this country would get all messed up. Obama proved me right and he won’t be the last.

Richard Wheeler
that’s the reason you turn DEMOCRAT?
it doesn’t take much for you to turn, at least you could have learn what a CONSERVATIVE STAND FOR

your head is on the wrong side, your mind is looking backward, your front is not a face,
it’s your hair hanging down, no wonder you are making things up, what you see is behind you.
and it’s not good for AMERICA,