Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:
He murdered her with late-diagnosed stage-four cancer. Somehow he did this.
David Harsanyi quotes Mitt Romney knocking this awful incivility:
“At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized — at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do — it’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”
Of course, he misspelled “Mitt Romney” as Barack Obama. That was from Obama’s I’m-not-blaming-the-Tea-Party-for-Gabby-Giffords-but-shouldn’t-they-blame-themselves? speech.
Meanwhile, Marco Rubio casts the election in simple enough terms: as a choice between a guy who has no idea what he’s doing and a guy who does.
Actually, as many will point out, Obama knows exactly what he’s doing; he’s destroying America, deliberately, and with malice aforethought.
Øbama is a contemtible pig who will stop at nothing to distract from his FAILED economy.
This is a new low for the LIAR in chief — but we know that this (like everything else he does) will BACKFIRE right into his smug face. Øbama in an incompetent douche who screws up everything he touches.
Can’t wait to watch this backfire on him like everything else has. LOL!!!
What an incredible lie-filled ”ad.”
Turns out Ranae Soptic, died in 2006 — five years after the GST Steel plant closed.
And now, CNN reports that Ranae Soptic had health insurance through 2002 or 2003, due to her own job!
This is simply a tragic case of a women ignoring her symptoms until it was way too late.
She died 22 days after finally seeing a doctor and getting diagnosed!
I had a friend who had no symptoms until be bled from his eyes one day.
He was dead three weeks later of a cancer in his blood.
At age 23.
Doctors said there was nothing they could do as it was so far along when he first thought he was sick.
Friends and relatives, however, realized after the fact, that he had been complaining of feeling ”run down,” for a couple of YEARS before he got that symptom.
Who knows?
Had he seen a doctor over that tired feeling, maybe he’d have lived many more years than he did.
Sometimes cancer has very slight symptoms, almost mistaken for ”getting older.”
When CNN (Clinton News Network) Blitzer comes out and documents the fact that this ad is a total lie, your know it’s really a piece of you know what!! I am sure 0-bama would have blamed Fox if they came out with the same but CNN??
Joe Soptic, the retired steel worker in this lie-filled ad, has appeared in Obama campaign videos before!
Soptic appeared in a pair of Obama campaign videos in May which hammered Romney over his former company Bain Capital’s role before GST filed for bankruptcy.
This one:
uses Soptic and ends (1:58) with Obama’s OWN voice (over his own photo) saying, “I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message.”
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