Obama Staff Share Stories of Chaos and Infighting

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‘We’re home alone. There’s no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes.” -Former White House Economic Adviser Larry Summers.

A recently released Politico report sharing excerpts from the soon-to-be published Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President by Ron Suskind is blowing up across the Internet, putting on display the on-the-record words of Obama White House staff and their collective and often less-than-favorable assessment of the inner conflicts rampant within the Obama administration – including scathing commentary that in effect, defines Barack Obama as an absentee president.

“We’re home alone. There’s no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes.”

So said veteran economic adviser Larry Summers, who logged experience in both the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations.  According to the Politico report, Summers shared this view a number of times with various staff – including his primary rival within the administration, Budget Director Larry Orszag, who left the Obama team shortly after Summers departed.

Former Communications Director Anita Dunn also shared shocking details of the role of Barack Obama – including the charge that the Obama White House was a hostile workplace for women.

“It actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.”

The excerpts also reveal Obama’s seeming envy toward Ronald Reagan, as well as the current president’s attempt to classify himself as a policy wonk executive similar to former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.  The policy wonk description is in stark contrast of course to the “home alone” charge levelled against the president by Larry Summers.

A glaring omission from these excerpts was any indication of the importance of Valerie Jarrett – the senior adviser to Barack Obama who has been described as “Obama’s brain”, and who apparently played a critical role in removing Rahm Emanuel from his position as White House Chief of Staff, as well as later doing the same to both David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs.

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The Repubs should be able to pluck the White House because Obumma and Biden are low hanging fruit cakes.