President Barack Obama has a bleak message for House and Senate Democrats this year when it comes to campaign cash: You’re on your own.
Democratic congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have privately sought as much as $30 million combined from Obama for America and the Democratic National Committee — a replay of the financial help they received from Obama in 2008 and 2010.
But that’s not going to happen, top Obama aides Jim Messina and David Plouffe told Reid and Pelosi in back-to-back meetings on Capitol Hill on Thursday, according to sources familiar with the high-level talks. It was a stark admission from a presidential campaign once expected to rake in as much as $1 billion of just how closely it is watching its own bottom line.
Messina and Plouffe told the two Hill leaders that there would be no cash transfers to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from OFA or the DNC, at least not before Election Day, the sources said.
Remember these words?
“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
Any links to campaign funds coming in?
Obama brags like he’s got a billion coming in, but then acts like money is too tight to even help his fellow Dems!
Obama threw Dems under the bus after they passed ObamaCare without reading it, now he does it again.
Should they be surprised?
His fundraising isn’t going so well abviously; he’s a hypocrite – do as I say, not what I do!
Some of the money is probably coming in like it did last time, from nation-unverified anonymous internet donors.
How much of this money is going to “disappear” off shore?