Ben Shapiro:
On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama took to the stage one final time to give a farewell address. Americans couldn’t wait to see him go.
But he wouldn’t.
For 45 minutes, he babbled, fibbed, rehashed the good times and the other good times, the victories and the other victories, told a hackneyed fairy tale about the young prince who arrived in the swamps of Washington D.C. and left it a utopian vision at the mercy of an evil Troll.
And the media wept.
Unfortunately, the speech was chock full of fibs.
Here were 15 of the worst falsehoods.
1. He Believes Change Comes From Ordinary People. Obama said, “I learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together to demand it. After eight years as your president, I still believe that.” Really? That’s odd. His signature legislation forced benighted Americans to purchase health insurance and required religious Americans to forego their religious objections to contraceptives and abortion coverage. This is the same fellow who once referred to half the electorate as bitter clingers obsessed with God and xenophobia thanks to their poverty, and labeled the Tea Party as a terrorist entity.
2. American Exceptionalism Lies In Our Capacity To Change. No, actually, all people are capable of change, if some more so than others. Change may be worthwhile, but that’s not what makes America unique. What makes America exceptional is the foundational principles of individual freedom and limited government enshrined in our founding documents. But Obama said, “So that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional. Not that our nation has been flawless from the start, but that we have shown the capacity to change, and make life better for those who follow.”
3. He Created A Thriving Economy. Obama bragged about “revers[ing] a great recession, reboot[ing] our auto industry, and unleash[ing] the longest stretch of job creation in our history.” Actually, he was responsible for the weakest recovery in American history, he blew out the national debt, and he ensured that trillions of dollars in investment money remained on the sidelines, as well as keeping underemployment at significant highs.
4. He Fixed Cuba. Obama bragged about “open[ing] a new chapter with the Cuban people.” But the Cuban people are still stuck living under a communist tyranny that has now been significantly enriched and empowered by Obama’s support.
5. He Disarmed Iran. Obama said he had “shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot.” That’s patently untrue. The Associated Press reported yesterday that the Obama administration greenlit a shipment of tons of uranium to Iran. Iran has been secretly pursuing nuclear development, and Obama’s been ignoring it, as well as their material support for terrorism.
6. He Won “Marriage Equality.” Actually, Obama opposed same-sex marriage until his 2012 re-election campaign. It was Anthony Kennedy and his extraconstitutional mandate that “won” so-called “marriage equality.”
7. He “Secure[d] The Right To Health Insurance.” Actually, Obama just mandated that Americans buy health insurance at gunpoint. That’s not securing a right. That’s controlling others with coercion.
He is telling more whoppers the Baron Munchuasen and Pinnochio what next will it be about the big one that did exist
You can rest assured that Obama will continue to lie. He has never been held accountable for a single lie, so why would he ever stop?
narcissistic personality always lie-motto is: do we cheat ‘them and how.