Without the detailed “tick-tock” of his activities on September 11, 2012 – which the White House refuses to divulge – the best we can guess about the president’s activities that night is that he issued the stand down orders after learning of the attack and went to bed while men were still fighting for their lives on the CIA annex rooftop.
Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, the Navy Seal who was killed in Benghazi, Libya while trying to rescue others during a terrorist attack, joined Mike Huckabee on Saturday night, to talk about the letter he got from the president. Obama was responding to the letter Woods had sent him, last month asking why his son was given the order to stand down. From what Woods had to say, it sounds like the letter contained the same tired, PR talking points the Regime has been using for over a year. And Woods told Huckabee that the president didn’t bother to answer his two biggest questions.
Having been told by sources that there were three orders to stand down, that night, Woods told Huckabee, “That probably would’ve saved the life of our ambassador if there had not been that delay three times.” In his letter, Obama cited the familiar talking points; “on that tragic day, I directed my national security team to do everything possible to respond to the attacks against our people and facilities in Benghazi. The United States Government considered a range of options and deployed additional military capabilities, but as our military leaders have said, the military forces needed to carry out the type of operation you describe were not close enough to have made a difference.”
Woods disputed that statement, adding that the president couldn’t have known how long the battle would last. “The military leaders did not tell the Joint Chiefs of Staff that there were not assets immediately available,” he said.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who traveled to Benghazi after the attack, echoed Woods sentiment. He said, “I remain skeptical of the lack of military response during the Benghazi attack. […] Although some forces were repositioned, none were directed towards the sound of the guns.”
The president even told Woods, “Please know that my actions would have been the same if the attack had been against my own family.”
There was an audible groan in Huckabee’s studio audience when Woods said that.
“I could not and would not have gone to sleep until I knew that every effort was made to rescue – no effort was made,” Woods said. “For three hours after it even happened, Ty’s body was on that tarmac. An American plane wasn’t even sent […] to pick up his body.”
Obama would not have gone to get his ”beauty sleep,” and declined to sign Cross Border Authority had it been his own daughters!
Because Obama never signed Cross Border Authority everyone down the line had to issue Stand Down orders when men sought to cross a border to save these men in Benghazi.