Obama proposes letting the jobless sue for discrimination

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Advocates for the unemployed have cheered a push by the Obama administration to ban discrimination against the jobless. But business groups and their allies are calling the effort unnecessary and counterproductive.

The job creation bill that President Obama sent to Congress earlier this month includes a provision that would allow unsuccessful job applicants to sue if they think a company of 15 more employees denied them a job because they were unemployed.

The provision would ban employment ads that explicitly declare the unemployed ineligible, with phrases like “Jobless need not apply.” As The Lookout has reported, such ads appear to have proliferated in recent years, prompting an inquiry by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Democratic lawmakers in both the House and the Senate have introduced similar measures. Obama said recently that discrimination against the unemployed makes “absolutely no sense,” especially because many people find themselves out of work through no fault of their own.

Advocates for employers oppose the proposed ban. “We do not see a need for it,” Michael Eastman of the Chamber of Commerce told the New York Times.

Lawrence Lorber, a labor law specialist who represents employers, told the paper the president’s proposal “opens another avenue of employment litigation and nuisance lawsuits.”

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BO wants to be first in line – I’ll bet that he’ll be talking to his lawyer on 11/7/2012!

Considering my time on Unemployement, I will say this:

Any attempt at this regulation will fail in the courts.

Certain job duties and certain events within many factories require internal highering for many things that demand that job “applicants” are already familiar with the Company system of processes for their Six Sigma or JITPS (Just in Time Production System) materials or services flow. People outside of such a field are going to find it hard to enter into such jobs when they don’t even know the basic inflow-outflow of goods/data/ or money processing be it factory/telecoms/banking.

52% of the companies can’t find help. I wonder why Fox News is the only network telling us? Could this be why King Obama told us not to listen to Fox News and not to get our info from the Internet? Fox News has the top 16 news shows. The more people and companies Obama tells his people not to listen to, the more they go to those people and companies to find out why they shouldn’t listen to them.


What moron came up with this? Have they thought about the law of unintended consequences? What is to prevent anyone to make a list of all the companies on the planet, apply for jobs for which he/she is totally unqualified and then sue them all? Hell, sounds like a great job in itself!

Class warfare and socialist entitlement propaganda. I would not be surprised if just prior to the elections Obama and his socialist brethren incite race and class riots in the streets against the “evil Republicans” and “racist Tea Bag***”

@Ditto: #5
The rest of the story would be the national rioting that breaks out and Obama would have to declare martial law and suspend the elections for the “safety of the voters.” I wouldn’t be surprised if this is one of their plans.