Obama plots deployment of U.S. military advisers to Syria

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In a move that would expand America’s involvement in Syria’s civil war, President Obama is close to authorizing the U.S. military to train moderate Syrian rebels to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-linked groups, according to reports.

U.S. officials told the Wall Street Journal Tuesday that the new military program would supplement a small training effort led by the CIA, which Mr. Obama authorized a year ago.

In a commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point on Wednesday, Mr. Obama is expected to give his backing for the new training effort by saying he intends to increase support to the armed Syrian opposition, including by providing them with training, the Journal reported.

A Frontline documentary to air Tuesday night will air interviews with moderate Syrian rebels who say the U.S. is arranging for their training in Qatar, with sophisticated weapons and techniques.

The administration has been debating for a year how to put more pressure on the Assad regime without entangling the U.S. in another protracted Middle East war.

More at the Washington Times

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WTF is he thinking about? With most of the Syrian rebels being largely comprised of different terrorist outfits, who are the moderate elements? There doesn’t seem to be many of “moderates” around.

This is insane. Truly gobsmackingly insane. What is the US interest in Syria? As David mentioned above, who is the group within the multiple jihadist rebel factions in Syria with whom the US – not to mention the population of Syria – would be better of with?

Obama seems to be yet again supporting jihadist entities over non-jihadist factions. He stood blithely by when the Iranian people were protesting against the thugocracy there….he supported Morsi and the muslim brotherhood over Mubarak – who had at least been holding the peace with Israel for 20-30 years – and has weakened any relationship with Egypt by insisting the current government (installed when the military led a popular coup against Morsi) allow the muslim brotherhood be brought into the Egyptian government. Where was Obama when Morsi’s followers were murdering and persecuting the Egyptian Copts? Then we have Obama using US military to provide logistical support to jihadist rebels in Libya as they overthrew Qaddafi – another dictator who had been brought to heal, now replaced with another group of islamofascists that showed their gratitude for US support of their takeover by murdering our ambassador and 3 other Americans.

The pattern of Obama’s policy in the middle east sure seems awfully biased in favor of jihadist forces, doesn’t it?

Obama doesn’t know how to fight a ONE-FRONT war even when he’s got our enemy outgunned.
Yet he wants to help imaginary ”moderate” Muslims in Syria to fight a TWO-FRONT war?
Can’t be done.
We already saw what happened when we armed so-called moderates in this area: al Qaeda affiliates came along, fought them and took away everything we’d given them!
When I hear Obama wants to aid ”moderate” Muslims what I see is his valuing lawfare over warfare.
Even in the USA Muslim Brotherhood front organization, CAIR, says it would prefer to put the USA under Sharia without a shot fired.
It doesn’t mean ”moderate.”
Sharia is all bad for the non-Muslim all the time.