Via Twitchy, this is like being down 28-0 at halftime of the Super Bowl and having your QB tell a reporter that baseball’s actually his best sport.
My definition of leadership is maximizing your side’s advantage by making smart executive decisions in a high-risk atmosphere. Who’s done a better job of that lately in Syria? Obama notes that Putin’s only involved now because his previous strategy, of supplying Assad and his Iranian patrons and hoping they’d succeed on the battlefield, didn’t work. But our strategy, to the extent that we’ve ever had anything one might reasonably call a “strategy” in Syria, hasn’t worked either. We’ve supplied some of the Sunni rebels with weapons but they haven’t managed to overcome the Assad/Hezbollah/Iran/Russia axis. We tried to train our own rebel army before the project ended in total humiliation, with the White House whining that they never wanted to do it in the first place. When Putin’s strategy didn’t work, he adapted by agreeing to put Russian military assets in the field to turn the tide of war towards Assad — and that strategy is working. When Obama’s strategy didn’t work, he … made a concession to the other side, mollifying Iran and Russia by agreeing that there’s no rush for Assad to leave so long as he agrees to leave at some point as part of an eventual political settlement. Putin changed the facts on the ground to maximize his leverage at the bargaining table. Obama reacted to those changed facts by trying to accommodate him. Which sounds more like leadership?
Meanwhile, I’m amazed he had the stones to cite the Iran nuclear deal as proof of his own leadership with this story breaking in the Times this weekend:
Obama’s definition of leadership; concede defeat, give up, redefine the mission.
The fool’s code of leadership- do we cheat them and how-the world for his own packet. The ultimate family on welfare. Oh, yes America you the tax payer pay for all of her dresses
Obama has become an effing joke
If only Roosevelt and Churchill would have had the foresight to realize that manmade global warming was a bigger threat than the Axis Powers, we probably wouldn’t be in this predicament.