Obama Official Compares Illegal Immigration to…Jaywalking

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The Obama Administration’s recent stance on illegal immigration — mainly encouraging officials to only prosecute “serious” or violent illegals — has been well-documented. But now, thanks to CNSNews, we know just how the administration views run-of-the-mill, everyday, good ol’ regular illegal immigration: it’s just like jaywalking.

“If you were running the police department of any urban area in this country, you would spend more resources going after serious criminals than after jaywalkers. DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) is doing the immigration equivalent of the same thing,” Cecilia Munoz, the White House director of intergovernmental affairs, told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) conference on Monday:

CNSNews has more on the new policy:

Munoz was referring to the administration’s new policy of “prosecutorial discretion,” outlined in a June memo from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, which falls under DHS.

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So many democrats seem to be suffering from beaten wife syndrome. They know Obama is an utter failure but they can’t let go.