Obama: Man on a Mission…A profile in cynicism

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In 2007, then-senator Barack Obama insisted that the coming presidential primary- and general-election campaigns “shouldn’t be about making each other look bad, they should be about figuring out how we can all do some good for this precious country of ours. That’s our mission.”

“And in this mission,” he continued, “our rivals won’t be one another, and I would assert it won’t even be the other party. It’s going to be cynicism that we’re fighting against.”

I guess I missed the moment when Obama hung his “Mission Accomplished” banner. Because from where I’m sitting, it looks more like the president not only lost his battle against cynicism, he defected to the other side.

In his remarks this week in Osawatomie, Kan. — the site of Theodore Roosevelt’s famous 1910 “new nationalism” speech — Obama laid out the themes for his reelection campaign.

White House press secretary Jay Carney denies it was an “election speech,” but Obama’s own campaign manager, Jim Messina, touted it as one in a fundraising e-mail.

But such is the way of this White House. Facts are dependent variables, history the president’s Pool of Narcissus, reflecting his own glory. Hence, Obama cherry-picks TR’s “new nationalism” as a justification for his own agenda and proof that today’s Republicans are extreme.

After all, was not TR a “Republican son of a wealthy family,” as Obama put it?

Well, yes, he was. And then, he wasn’t. TR left the Republican party to promote his “new nationalism” philosophy and run as a Progressive — a “super socialist,” in the words of the New York Times in 1913.

As a Republican president, Roosevelt had been a “trust buster.” As Progressive gadfly, Roosevelt believed in making the trusts bigger, stronger, and more entwined with the federal government, orchestrated by an all-powerful “Federal Bureau of Corporations.”

“Concentration, cooperation, and control,” he explained in his acceptance speech at the 1912 Progressive convention, “are the key words for a scientific solution of the mighty industrial problem which now confronts this nation.”

It’s no surprise Obama would find the Progressive Teddy so reasonable. Nor is it shocking that Obama would fail to explain to today’s generation the true intentions of that “Republican son of a wealthy family.”

And no wonder Obama thinks that low tax rates in the 1920s were a significant cause of the Great Depression. Or that he sees income inequality as the chief problem during the 1930s — and today.

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Liberalism is NOT extreme….Its INSANE….

Just look at what Obama, Liberal Congress, Mayors, Governors, Unions, and other Left wingers hold [ near and dear ] to their Liberal cursive Hearts…

Just look at the Bastion of Occupy…. Drugs – Heroin, Marijuana Bought, Sold [with children present] Taken; Open Sex; Open Masturbation; Rape of both Men and Women + a 14 Year old; Girls half naked [to notice a sign/cause – can’t be a very good cause/sign if you have to go to that ‘extreme’] Riots; Blatant refusal to obey Authority [Police, Mayors, Riot Police]; Instigating Police into using force [then crying foul, police brutality]; Facilitating acts of theft; Destruction; and Defacing Private Property…

Occupying Private Property…. Are these not the same clowns who Curse the United States for ‘NOT’ [Occupying ] and Stealing [Oil] from other countries? …but of course [saying we did] – which is, of course, the REASON WHY most of the United States is paying close to $3.50 + for [1] ONE GALLON… of gasoline, you know because of ALL THAT ‘OIL’ WE STOLE….

Does anyone not get the insane ideology of the left….

Millions of people out of work with no relief in sight…
Millions of people not normally on Welfare/Social Programs NOW are utilizing these out of desperation….
Millions of Tax Payer Dollars WASTED on Obama Cronyism in an industry of [GREEN? as in $$ perhaps] …but not for the tax payers…
Hundreds of Thousands Homes being foreclosed
Home Loans [given] to People who would NEVER be able to pay them back….or else…
Take over of Industries and Corporations….
Regulating Companies out of Business….and no ‘start ups’ to improve our economy…
Salivating over Corrupt Unions who are in the pockets of Liberal Government…

We need a Miracle in 2012… We need a miracle in our Country…

The Article is what is so stunning about OBAMA and ‘his’ politics and those of the Democratic Party…The Rhetoric the Propaganda the backwardness the ‘running of the mouth’, the nonsensical…

This article below exposes them even more…

Charlotte Prepping for Occupy Wall Street at DNC
By Joe Coscarelli
In John Heilemann’s cover story “2012=1968?,” he wonders whether Occupy Wall Street protesters will do to Charlotte’s Democratic National Convention in the summer of 2012 what demonstrators did to the Chicago DNC in 1968. The North Carolina city, sometimes called the “Wall Street of the South,” is not taking any chances, and is already working to pass an ordinance that would make occupying downtown spaces with tents a “public nuisance,” in addition to banning “noxious substances,” padlocks, and other camping equipment. The fact that it would knock out the city’s current overnight demonstrators is an added bonus.
READ MORE AT: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/12/charlotte-prepping-for-ows-at-dnc.html

WHAT ?? Aren’t the “Occupy” the Democrats/Liberals/Progressive OBAMA, PELOSI AND Soooo many other’s Darlings?? Why on this good Earth would THEY want to keep these people [his base] away??? ….Hmmmmm….
….What? Now they have become BAD Propaganda?? But the Occupy is good so long as they ‘try’ to make Conservatives look bad?

Feds want unmanned border crossing with Mexico

Come on up…and vote for The Won.