Over the weekend many people sent me this video, claiming that it shows Michelle Obama dissing the American flag during the 9/11 memorial ceremonies. Reacting to the ceremonial folding of Old Glory, Mrs. Obama purportedly turns to her husband and says, “All this just for a flag.” She then allegedly shakes her head and rolls her eyes while the president nods in agreement.
You don’t have to be a left-winger to call malarkey on this. It looks, sounds, and feels like internet nonsense and almost certainly is. I, for one, can’t read Mrs. Obama’s lips at all. I’m not even sure I can read her expression — which might be one of appreciation, as if she were saying, “Wow, isn’t it wonderful, all this for our flag.” Anyway, while the Obamas have always struck me as a pair of supercilious prats, they’re not heartless monsters. They’re at a ceremony memorializing 3,000 dead. They may not think what we all think but I’m sure they feel pretty much what we all feel — and if they didn’t, they wouldn’t talk about it while on camera. They’re not idiots either.
But what’s really annoying about silliness of this sort is how distracting it is. The failure of the Obama presidency is a genuinely important event both in history in general and in the history of ideas. It should be explained, discussed, and analyzed seriously — not obscured beneath perfervid speculation or absurd charges. Obama is not a Muslim. He wasn’t born in Timbuktu. He doesn’t rub his hands together when he’s alone and mutter, “The economy is almost destroyed. One more stimulus package should do the trick! Bwahahahaha.”
What Obama is is the representative and unyielding ideological supporter of a series of ideas that do not work and would be wrong even if they did. He is “a faithful scion of the political culture of the ’60s left,” as Norman Podhoretz put it in a calm, precise, and brilliant op-ed in the Wall Street Journal not long ago. Podhoretz wrote:
Michelle Obama’s own communications director says that’s not what she said.
“The First Lady was commenting to the President on how moving and powerful it always is to watch all that America’s firefighters and police officers do to honor the flag.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/15/no-michelle-obama-did-not-disrespect-the-american-flag-at-the-911-ceremony/#ixzz1YQlCz1Uh
I have three congenitally deaf ladies in my brother’s wife’s side of the family.
They all read lips.
Whatever was said, their consensus is that communications director’s version is also NOT ACCURATE.
Sorry Curt, I have to respectfully disagree with you that Obama is not evil. All you have to do is watch his actions. Because I do not believe that a person could be so incompetent to keep pushing the same policies over and over again when they have proven to be so wrong, i.e., class warfare. Also, he does not listen to the people. Remember the Obamacare debacle? He absolutely disregarded any dissesion with the Republicans with “I Won.” He is spiteful and petty. Think Paul Ryan sitting there being chastised. Also, during the State of the Union when he called the Supreme Court Justices out on their ruling. I don’t buy for a minute that this loser and his wife even like America. I think he has one goal in mind and that is to even the playing field and destroy what has taken centuries to build. Sorry, Curt, it is his actions and words that I watch closely. I have never in my lifetime seen such a mean and spiteful president that is supposed to represent the whole nation. But instead only represents the blacks, unions and his cronies. If you are white, like guns, republican or disagree with this guy; he is NOT your president.