Charles C. W. Cooke:
If those in charge of its implementation are not careful, the principal achievement of our long Obamacare saga will be to have reinforced conservative claims about government. As the law has gone from one disaster to another, Obama has flailed a little. He’s said “sorry” — sort of — and he’s allowed that things aren’t optimal, but he hasn’t been prepared to concede that there might be anything wrong with his management style or that this mess is ultimately owned by him. It seems that our progressive president is prepared to defend the many virtues of government right up to the point at which doing so requires admitting that he’s not very good at running things.
In his Chris Matthew interview yesterday, Obama pushed back against the idea that this was his fault. Per Politico:
“The challenge, I think, that we have going forward is not so much my personal management style or particular issues around White House organization,” Obama said. “It actually has to do with what I referred to earlier, which is we have these big agencies, some of which are outdated, some of which are not designed properly.”
So, it’s the government’s fault, not Obama’s. It’s the design of the agencies, not Obama. Okay, fair enough. But then why isn’t he moving to reform those agencies? He’d certainly have Republican support for that, and, as we all know, he just wants to do “what works” and he’ll “work with anyone” who agrees with him.
This approach is eerily reminiscent of David Axelrod’s. “How could the head of the executive branch know about the IRS scandal?” Axelrod effectively asked:
How would a buy who’s never run anything know how to run anything?
Incompetence would surely be the outcome. He simply doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
It’s only been 5 years!
Obama might get around to his reorganizing federal agencies soon.
First he has to have ”the goods” on any conservative (fiscally or politically) heads or near-heads of departments.
Clean all of them out first.
Like he did the military before PC’ing it.
Then Obama can pack every department with minions who hear his dog whistles and invariably throw themselves under the bus for him…..even after he leaves office.
Wait a minute!
We just a had a jobs’ report whereby 43% of ALL hiring was for government!
So, he’s doing it.
Oblama indeed, pointing out how incompetent he is at controlling the incompetence under him. Not dissimilar to ridiculousness that parents of gangsta criminals expound on their supposed ignorance of their offspring’s behavior and actions. Does he really think anyone really buys into his BS?
“…my personal management style…” Exactly what does he “manage” again?
If ANYONE and I MEAN ANYONE in the PRIVATE SECTOR who was as incompetent as the “Hands off Teflon Liar” (Style)….the “I didn’t Know” (Style)…. “Absent Manager” (style)…”Delegate to the other Incompetents” (Style) they would not last a YEAR…
I can only gather the Citizens of this country put “Incompetence” at the very top of the List when they are seeking an applicant for the Job of President of the United States of America….It has to be…they voted for this incompetent ass clown TWICE…
Yet, these same people will (also) Lie about – ridicule – shred – rip apart – verbally and physically “assault” the only competence and sanity there is left in this country…the Conservatives, the Constitution, The Tea Party Patriots…
Seriously, when are Americans going to realize the Democrat Party is no longer the Kennedy Democrat Party…THAT Party has been hijacked by the Communists/Liberals/Progressives…Its time for the Old Democrats of the Kennedy Years to give it up lest they loose the America they once knew and Loved..
By the way OfraudliarinChief also denies he is a Socialist…Yet Another LIE…
I was considering applying for a government job, but I don’t think I could pass the incompetency test.
I agree with this. But these “big agencies, some of which are outdated” are a staple of the democratic party. The democrats love big government, love these agencies, refuse to even discuss cutting personnel and budgets for these agencies. So the Obama administration’s answer to these big agencies, some of which are outdated, is to grow them to even bigger agencies with even more power. And now the SCOTUS is starting to recognize the regulations these agencies are implementing as law. SCOTUS can’t be blamed for this, congress has given their power to these agencies and congress has the power to take them back.