To bad the male does not determine the gender.. opie should have been neutered early in his youth. larry king…move over…only 3 more days of media coverage and this mess will die. allowing no racial riots. Ever get the feeling that his summer is going to be HHHOOOOTTer than the last 3…………………………….Smile America, the collateral damage is just beginning. OH! all of those protestors…do any of them have job, or they all on opie’s welfare draw?
12 years ago
(As seen at IOwntheWorld):
The Rent-a-Riot crowd of Jackson/Sharpton have already tried and convicted Mr. Zimmerman. I wonder why Trevon Martin was suspended from his high school, and was supposedly “grounded” the night of his death. I wonder why Martin’s Facebook Photos of his Gangster pose aren’t shown, just the angelic face of a 9 year old. I wonder why only a few media articles of Martin’s father stating that the voice on the 911 call pleading for help wasn’t that of his son. The left needs this martyr Trevon Martin, it needs to shield the failures of the Obama Regime’s race relations.
This is the son Obama dreams about having in the White House.
Liberal1 (objectivity)
12 years ago
Obama was merely indicating a personal feeling about the situation. Right-winger’s ideology don’t allow him to be human in the case of this seeming tragedy.
12 years ago
@Liberal1 (objectivity): He should have said it was a tragedy and then asked everyone to wait for the facts to be disclosed. He made it personal to score political points.
MOS 8541
12 years ago
Vomit…the kid was in a gang. Were is a more recent picture of the trash. The governmental controlled press is not willing to show a recent picture of this alleged gangsters and mugger. Deception is everything now..wake up
12 years ago
Do these sweet girls make you feel better about your racist ignorant comments? I mean, they’re flat out racist and ignorant but a boy buying skittles and juice to go home and watch a basketball game and who you ASSUME to be part of a gang because he was posing like a gangster deserves to die? Really? Of course all black people who do gangster poses are part of a gang. Yup, and with that reasoning I rest assured that these little girls were just nursing their KKK ideology.
To bad the male does not determine the gender.. opie should have been neutered early in his youth. larry king…move over…only 3 more days of media coverage and this mess will die. allowing no racial riots. Ever get the feeling that his summer is going to be HHHOOOOTTer than the last 3…………………………….Smile America, the collateral damage is just beginning. OH! all of those protestors…do any of them have job, or they all on opie’s welfare draw?
(As seen at IOwntheWorld):
The Rent-a-Riot crowd of Jackson/Sharpton have already tried and convicted Mr. Zimmerman. I wonder why Trevon Martin was suspended from his high school, and was supposedly “grounded” the night of his death. I wonder why Martin’s Facebook Photos of his Gangster pose aren’t shown, just the angelic face of a 9 year old. I wonder why only a few media articles of Martin’s father stating that the voice on the 911 call pleading for help wasn’t that of his son. The left needs this martyr Trevon Martin, it needs to shield the failures of the Obama Regime’s race relations.
This is the son Obama dreams about having in the White House.
Obama was merely indicating a personal feeling about the situation. Right-winger’s ideology don’t allow him to be human in the case of this seeming tragedy.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): He should have said it was a tragedy and then asked everyone to wait for the facts to be disclosed. He made it personal to score political points.
Vomit…the kid was in a gang. Were is a more recent picture of the trash. The governmental controlled press is not willing to show a recent picture of this alleged gangsters and mugger. Deception is everything now..wake up
Do these sweet girls make you feel better about your racist ignorant comments? I mean, they’re flat out racist and ignorant but a boy buying skittles and juice to go home and watch a basketball game and who you ASSUME to be part of a gang because he was posing like a gangster deserves to die? Really? Of course all black people who do gangster poses are part of a gang. Yup, and with that reasoning I rest assured that these little girls were just nursing their KKK ideology.