Derrick Bell, whom President Obama lionized and embraced in a speech in law school, praised a man who had called for white genocide in South Africa. Bell argued that society should be grateful that the violence had merely been threatened and not carried out.
John Podhoretz in Commentary noted that Bell had given an October 1994 interview in which Bell praised a man named Khalid Muhammad:
The very same interview began as follows: “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.”
Here is Khalid Muhammad, whom Derrick Bell wanted us to “appreciate” while he was alive. In the following speech, which is one of the most hateful speeches you will ever see, Muhammad advocates killing every white man, woman, and child in South Africa . . . to the cheers of the crowd:
The relevant part is at 1:33:52. It’s a short clip, just three minutes long, and it’s worth your time. Here is a partial transcript:
We kill the women. We kill the children. We kill the babies. We kill the blind. We kill the crippled. We kill the [imitates a crazy person]. We kill ‘em all. We kill the faggots. We kill the lesbians. We kill them all.
Muhammad goes on to explain, in detail, why women and children should be killed. The children, because they will oppress blacks when they grow up. The women, because they bear those children, and thus constitute the “military of the army manufacturing center.”
We need to appreciate men like that while we’ve got them, eh, Professor Bell? Eh, President Obama?
It’s worth noting that this speech was made on November 29, 1993 — and received nationwide attention — while Bell’s praise of Muhammad came in October 1994. Meaning that when Bell said we needed to “appreciate” Muhammad, Muhammad had already given a famous speech advocating killing women and children in South Africa.
As published with original website:
This entire piece is based on the actions of President Obama over twenty years ago—maybe ultra-right-wingers thought the same on every issue that they did twenty years ago, but most people don’t.
Is this the best conservatives can do? Since they can’t find any dirt on him, they have to demonize mock the actions of a twenty-something liberal college student.
Curt I ask again? Are Conservatives desperate and disheartened by the impending nomination of a RINO AGAIN. Is all you have now an intent to discredit the POTUS through a college association with somebody who said something about somebody else blah,blah,blah.
The good news for moderates and indies is Romney has a good shot at beating Obama if he gets Rubio or McDonnell (thanks Mata) as VEEP.
I’m not Curt, but I hardly consider further shining on Obama’s past associations desperate attempts to discredit, rich. Usually that’s called vetting a candidate. However you and ilk called it “desperate” when his past with the DSA and Wright were brought up in 2008, so I suspect the same of you today. Me? I don’t need this in particular, and just consider it another distraction from the genuine issues. We already know about his past political leanings, which remain the same today based on his choices of advisers and appointee.
Why thanks to me, rich? Do you think I came up with the delegate math and reporting about Rubio’s battles all by my lonesome? I have merely pointed to what’s already on public record by the MSM over the years. It’s no secret to me, nor to those that are specialists in sniffing out events to portray as a scandal by Axelrod, Gibbs and Obama during campaigns. As I pointed out in links, Media Matter’s SuperPAC – American Bridge to the 21st Century – has already been at work, “Palinizing” Rubio. The Internet… a mind blowing encyclopedia, rich. Try using it sometime.
If I may respond, Richard and Liberal1, no. It’s the fact that this is the beginning of the same behavior and associations that Obama still has to this day. The same as Ron Paul. Everyone understands that people change as they mature, but also that some don’t. They remain radicalized and thus must be marginalized and not hold offices of power.
Bell visited the Whitehouse 4x before he died while obama was president. It’s amazing how people like rich will outright lie to keep supporting those that hate America.
@Richard Wheeler: I’d give 10-1 that if one of the Republican nominees were to be associated with some white bigot from 20 years ago, you’d be all over it asking us if we support racism. Since it’s your buddy Obama, he gets a free pass.
And rich wonders why I call him a former patriot. It’s pretty obvious obama was good friends with Wright and Bell. Obama only tossed wright when it hurt his campaign. Bell? He never did.
Rich, you just lied and everyone here saw it. You are not a patriot. You do not support America or it’s Constitution. You have violated your oath. You knowingly support socialists. Stop pretending otherwise.
Mata I thanked you for mentioning McDonnell as a good choice for Veep. Still think Rubio the best and most likely choice.
H.R. You’ve certainly earned your moniker. You’re so crazed it’s difficult to respond. Where did I “lie” about Bell or anything else.
Another Vet If you think Obama a racist so be it. I think not.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Yeah, age 28 when he was – what, L1? – ”just a kid?”
Look at him at age 28.
Not a kid.
We send MEN to war who are a decade younger than that!
@Liberal1 (objectivity): What a joke you are!! How quickly your puny little brain forgets what you and the Democrats did to Bush regarding his military service and college days. How long ago was that my dear idiot!! What needs to be done is to properly vet this unqualified liberal President sense it was not done first time around. That’s why he is a failed President. Don’t give me the crap about how long ago 0-bama’s college days where and how radical they where.
@Nan G: Nan, great comments!! Very doubtful 0-bama, liberal 1 or the other defenders of 0-bama’s failure have a clue what it means to serve in our military. They would rather focus on ridiculous issues vs the reality of job production failure, lies, spiraling national debt, and numerous scandals within the 0-bama administration. And if that’s not enough let look at 0-bamacare and the lies 0-bama told to get this one passed.
@Richard Wheeler: We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. I’m basing my opinion on what has come out of his own mouth as well as the company he has kept, both past and present. If it was a matter of a few isolated incidents or if it was concentrated in his youth it would be one thing. But there is a definite pattern. I think the only white people he has any use for are those with similar left leaning beliefs or those who can benefit him politically.
@Richard Wheeler:
You lied when you tried to claim it was long ago college association.
You know obama was buddies with them until it hurt his campaign (wright), and Bell died.
Like I said, you are a lying demo-whore who goes out of his way to defend America haters.
BTW, obama made reading of Bell’s book(s) part of his reading list as an instructor.
H.R. You are a mentally sick person and I honestly feel sorry for you. You’ve said you’re disabled. Do you have family or close friends to care for you?
I see the truth hurts. Rich, I’m not the one who claims to love America, then enthusiatically supports those trying to destroy the Constitution and take away the people’s rights. You often project your mental illness onto others to avoid facing the truth about yourself.
Really, you make it too easy to embarrass you. Next.
Hard Right Whoa You’re the one who SAID you were DISABLED. Wasn’t it your reason you didn’t serve? As you know, I served honorably in combat. It’s been suggested you have feelings of inferiority because you couldn’t or wouldn’t serve your Country under arms. It’s been suggested that this may have affected your overall mental stability.
I was simply inquiring what type of familial support you are receiving.
Hard Right used to have a roommate but his mom moved to Florida. He now lives alone and spends all of his time acting like a tough guy keyboard warrior. He criticizes people for things he is too afraid to do himself do.
Ron H.