Trey Bennett:
These days, it seems that the fastest-growing profession in America is that of the beloved “activist.”
Have you ever wondered where all these people come from, who organizes and transports them, and how they can afford to “protest” for days on end in the middle of the work week? The Pavlovian response to this question in most conservative circles is usually to shout “George Soros!” But it turns out that while it may be true that Soros is injecting millions of dollars into radical leftist organizations and campaigns, it turns out that someone else has been too: Barack Obama. And he’s done it with your money.
How, you ask? Let’s go back in time to find out.
Remember the Great Recession? You know, the one that started with Big Bad Banks handing out garbage mortgages to anyone with a heartbeat and then fraudulently selling garbage investments based on those mortgages until everything flew off the rails and our economy crashed? Yeah that one.
Well, in the fallout of the crash, the Obama Justice Department sued those Big Bad Banks and forced them to pay out massive settlements intended to reimburse the American People for the taxpayer-funded bailouts that the government handed out like candy. When I say the settlements were massive, I mean massive. Between J.P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of America, the Big Bad Banks paid over $36.5 Billion in penalties to the Justice Department.
Out of that money, approximately $640 million somehow quietly made its way into a slushy side account intended to fund “third party interest groups.” These interest groups were not victims in the lawsuits, and had no right to any of the proceeds of the settlements. They were also not held accountable for anything that they chose to do with the money that they received.
Surprise, surprise, it turns out many of the groups dipping into this slush fund were and are far-left, radical organizations that are now fighting the new administration tooth and nail over immigration reform, healthcare reform, and tax reform.One of the largest of those third party groups that is currently helping lead “The Resistance” is an organization formerly known as La Raza that since been re-branded as UnidaUS. La Raza was one of the organizations behind the infamous protest/riot that turned violent at the Trump Rally in Chicago last year during the Presidential Campaign. These days they actively engage in funding and organizing demonstrations and rallies against any type of immigration reform.
LaRaza was one of Obama’s pet projects. Not only did they receive at least $1.5 million from the settlement slush fund, but they were also the recipients of approximately $11 million a year in taxpayer money from his administration.
Perhaps the creepiest tactic that Obama used to funnel money to La Raza and other allies was then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s gangland-style habit of suing corporations and then “suggesting” that direct donations be made to leftist organizations in order to settle out of court.
The same person who wants to disarm all law abiding americans open our borders,bring in more so called refugees the same man who abused his power of office through Executive Orders and who denounced america to the world and received a unearned Peace Prize His only good place of residence should be a federal prison for life he is going to ruin his neghborhood
The waste of taxpayer funds on leftist, anti-American activist groups doesn’t end there. Then it takes taxpayer funds to defend the Constitution in court when these socialist groups obstruct the legal policies of the government.
the former mayor of nyc Bloomberg gave over $60 million to gangs in nyc for the procurement of automatic weapons , rpg’s and advanced tactical assault materials. the radicalized muslin terrorist obama sold not only nuclear intelligence but also five fully operational nuclear weapons