Obama Ducking National Press, Because, See, They’re Too Hard on Him

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Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:

So he’s giving interviews to ESPN, Entertainment Weekly, People, and regional media, in which the questions tend to be about sports of local cuisine. So you know, the hard questions.

I think even President Waffles could make it through such interviews. “Yes, I like your local sports clubs and I enjoy your local cuisine.”

Just a series of “humanizing” interviews– nothing about policy.

Now, my headline is not a lie. Obama really does think the national political press is too tough on him, and doesn’t give him enough credit.

Remember 2008 and the Honeymoon Swoon of 2009? Yeah, Obama considered that a period of difficulties with a hostile press.

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As long as Obama is ducking the real press, this is an effective ad.
If he stands there and takes questions, they better not be of the pre-planned variety he’s gotten caught doing before.

@Nan G: What is the ‘real press’? FOX news?

Are you sure you’re not talking about Mitt Romney?

I thought we already knew his favorite color was Red…poor widdle baby…

Romney recently did an hour with NBC’s Chuck Todd…a well known lefty…I understand it will be shown by the Obama network just before the GOP convention.

Obama is doing interviews with soft news outlets…covering such things as his favorite types of music and food. Very hard-hitting…that.

As in-the-tank as the Washington press corps is (or as Obama would say…”corpse”) Obama is afraid of anything approaching a real question about the economy.

As is becoming clear…Obama is an empty suit. Reads a good teleprompter…perhaps born in Hawaii in 1961…though he advertised his birth as being in Kenya with his publishing agent…FOR 16 YEARS! No hard copy birth certificate….social security number issued in a state he’d never been to. A fake selective service card…with a stamped date configuration that appears on NO other card for 1980. Passport and college records sealed…no idea about the topic of his senior thesis.

Wouldn’t you think there would be one “reporter” in Washington who might ask him about this stuff???

No…me either.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):
The WH Press Corp includes Fox, but many, many others as well, Lib.
And even “Tingles” is getting a pass from Obama!

Obama has declined an interview with the friendliest liberal outlet on television. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was not granted an interview with the president for the network’s Obama documentary, which will run prior to the Democratic convention. The White House offered Biden instead.

RNC on Obama’s interviews: “This is not a parody”

But, wait. I thought the White House Press Corps was the “liberal media”. What could go wrong?

“National press” = “liberal media”?

0-bama is afraid he will be asked questions relevant to his failed Presidency. The subject matter could vary from jobs or lack there off, wasted billions on union friendly buy outs like GM, 0-bamacare and the fact that it will cost more and ensure less, or the national debt which he said he would cut in half in four years. His strategy of blame Bush is no longer even laughable. Basically 0-bama has NO viable strategy and therefore he can not answer questions that require answers.

Obama came out and gave short surprise press appearance today (Aug 20th,) during the daily press briefing. Clearly this was planned to catch the press flat-footed on questions, and no doubt so that he could cynically provide a token conference to shut-up the media and opposition comments. I wouldn’t hold my breath on him giving a longer conference in the near future.