Obama Deploys Foreign Policy Advisers Jack Black and Morgan Freeman to Celebsplain Why The #IranDeal is Awesome!

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If there’s anything that proves that President Celebrity thinks that politics is one big NBC reality show, it’s that he sends actors and comedians to prove to his witless supporters that the Iran Deal, a very complex agreement with many different features we can debate, is the most awesome thing since… Obama.

I can only imagine the kind of slack-jawed, dim-witted leftist zombie that would call his Congressman about a foreign policy deal having to do with the proliferation of nuclear weapons based on the advice of an actress who plays a hyper-sexualized lesbian on a popular Netflix show.

Well hell, I’m convinced.

That’s what Obama thinks about you, America.

Video here

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Since he rolled into office based not on what thinking people thought of his policies based on his history of accomplishment (to date, his next great accomplishment will be his first) but rather on how “cool” he was, who better to trot out and explain to these dumb asses than Tenacious D? In fact, why didn’t we have George Clooney negotiate the deal in the first place (unless the Iranians were supposed to think they were dealing with Fred Gwynne)?

There isn’t much positive this Administration has done…especially on foreign matters…much of it has been deadly…so why do we want more…deadly…

Many millennals voted for him…now they are seeing the light…however they are not lost on the blame game.

They want to blame everyone over 40…for our sad state of affairs. They hate being blamed for voting for this lying POS twice

I hope they are seeing the light on this terrible “deal” with IRAN…and NOT taking these “actors” at their words….I hope all Americans see the deadly consequences of this horrible deal.

This cannot be real…pinch me please.