Obama Classifies Nidal Hassan’s Terrorist Attack on Ft. Hood as “Workplace Violence”

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No, I’m really not kidding. The link is here.

If I had the flaming skull, I’d give you the flaming skull. This will have to do:


In related news, the Obama Admnistration has classified the Fukishima meltdown as “post-menopausal hot flashes,” the Mt. St. Helens eruption of 1980 as “geologically-motivated temper tantrums” and the Protestant Reformation as “sibling rivalry.” Furthermore, the Moon has been reclassified as “extra-human space effluvium” and the #OWS poopers as“external percussion enthusiasts.”

You know what they say: When you’re a Democrat and you’ve lost Susan Collins…

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation’s Armed Forces at home.

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Nothing to see here folks, just Move On.

Lawmakers said there have been 33 plots against the U.S. military since Sept. 11, 2001, and 70 percent of those threats have been since mid-2009.
20 or so of the foiled plots are on a Wiki search: List of foiled Islamic terrorist plots in the post-9/11 United States.

One of those attacks was at an Arkansas military recruitment center in 2009 where Army Pvt. William Andrew Long, was shot and killed.
I suppose that plot was merely a drive-by shooting?

Most recently Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, a Saudi man studying in the United States, was arrested on February 24, 2011.
Aldawsari was charged with building bombs to use in terrorist attacks.
The potential targets he had investigated included the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush, hydroelectric dams in California and Colorado, nuclear power plants, nightclubs and the homes of soldiers who had served stationed at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In his personal journal, Aldawsari stated that his Jihadist inspiration came from the speeches and recordings of Osama bin Laden.

I saw a headline this week that Obama had scrubbed Homeland Security and DOJ of any and all references to Islam, Muslims, Jihad, or anything else that might be part of the motivation to do any of the ”random” violent acts.

Sen. Collins is right: political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation’s Armed Forces at home.

Re-reading your last two paragraphs — looks like treason being whitewashed as pc

PC matters more than reality to the left. Remember, leftists don’t bend their views to reality. They try to bend reality to their views.

Can we go back and re-classify the Oklahoma City bombing as another work place accident?

@Hard Right:
Ain’t it the truth, HR!
This Am, 1st thing I see on the business news:
Europe is changing the way they evaluate banks so that they LOOK better on paper.
The ECB’s Governing Council today decided to adopt non-standard measures.
This will only work, on paper.
It will not forestall the collapse of the Euro or of several European countries, taking us down with them.

But Communists, Socialists and Leftists here all love to redefine their way into an appearance of prosperity.
Then, while they’re fooling you, they get away with their own golden parachute.
Later you are holding the empty bag wondering where it all went.

Their problem is that capitalism is the best way to actually deal with the weaknesses inherent in human nature.
And they hate and thus try to hide that fact.

Nan, that is quite telling and sad.