Obama Cites “Economist at the New York Times” For Evidence Romney’s Jobs Plan Won’t Work

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Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:

Gee, I wonder which “economist at the New York Times” is given over to saying things like “Romney’s job plan is a snow job.”

I’ll give you three guesses and it’s not Steve Tyler.

Video below.

Meanwhile, Mr. Unite America is running an ad in Ohio saying Romney isn’t “one of us.”Allah recalls the days when Obama claimed that such tawdry appeals were small-minded

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Meanwhile, Mr. Unite America is running an ad in Ohio saying Romney isn’t “one of us.”

Hey, that sounds like a racist remark!

You didn’t expect the Liar-And-Chief to use ACTUAL facts, do you? He wants to get reelected.

“Isn’t one of US!?!?”
WTF does Obama think he’s communicating with that pile of crap?
Man, I am sick of this divisiveness and hope Obama doesn’t incite riots with his class warfare rhetoric.