Obama Big Loser in Zimmerman Trial

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Roger L. Simon:

Forget the over-zealous prosecutors and the repellent state attorney Angela Corey (who should be immediately disbarred or, my wife said sarcastically, elevated to director of Homeland Security) and even the unfortunate Trayvon Martin family (although it is certainly hard to forget them — they have our profound sympathies), the true loser at the Zimmerman trial was Barack Obama.

By injecting himself in a minor Florida criminal case by implying Martin could be his son, the president of the United States — a onetime law lecturer, of all things — disgraced himself and his office, made a mockery of our legal system and exacerbated racial tensions in our country, making them worse than they have been in years. This is the work of a reactionary, someone who consciously/unconsciously wants to push our nation back to the 1950s.

It is also the work of a narcissist who thinks of himself first, of his image, not of black, white or any other kind of people. It’s no accident that race relations in our country have gone backwards during his stewardship.

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When I read this at PJ Media last night, Roger had written that Obama was not ” the president of the United States — a onetime law lecturer, of all things — ”, but rather, ”the President of the United States – a former law professor, of all things –.”
Commenter “Dreadnought,” linked the story over at Lucianne.com and the commenters there made a HUGE deal of it.
So, apparently Roger changed it before you linked it here!
The blogs and the web DO matter.

As to Roger’s main point, that Obama (only, at most, 1/2 black himself) injects himself into racial things at his own peril, this is not the first time Obama tried to use a current event to gin up racial animus.
His ”the police acted stupidly,” was his earlier attempt after gaining the White House.
And of course he was up to this even before becoming president.
Recall how his ACORN group in Chicago picketed banks with racial slogans.
Recall his ”fictionalized” ”auto”biography where he supposedly took a white date to a play about race by a black author and the fight that followed between him and her afterward….OK, he made that up.
But he sold how many copies to people who think it is true?

Obama will probably not end his dealings with Zimmerman.
Eric Holder will likely be tasked with punishing Zimmerman some way some how.

The “really, really” big show is about to begin. holder is an idiot and should have been removed. the fool is just going to continue to trample on the Constitution, and the gutless congress will allow it.
reid, feinstein , ohio’s “boner”, and polosi are insults to this country.
Enjoy America, you voted them in..like the unions, now live with it.

Obama made a totally valid observation, and anyone who has a clue knows it. That was pretty much the extent of his involvement.

I believe the President of the United States is allowed to make an occasional comment on topics that have become the center of national attention. With regard to the matter of racial bias in the American justice system, he might feel a certain personal obligation to do so.

Wasn’t ‘the won’ suppose to be the healer of the earth and oceans?? I have to ask the question in what respect?

Ofraud and his bud holder have ‘really’ sent the Liberals back to the 50’s …and even further.

The irony is that the Liberals are always accusing the Republicans of wanting to go back in time but the Liberals are actually doing it….

The Liberals take the lead in Racism…

I am not really into rap, however someone brought this to my attention…this guy did not pull any punches with what he said…he truly speaks the truth (and yes, the truth hurts). At least he is putting his money where his mouth is…. sadly it will not resonate with the entrenched…they don’t want to hear it…it doesn’t fit into the scheme of things…
This is actually very good, I was impressed… with Lupe Fiasco


@MOS 8541:

The “really, really” big show is about to begin.

You’re right about that. Under the cover of media preoccupation with the Zimmerman trial, the Texas Taliban passed legislation designed to totally eliminate women’s access to abortion services.

There will be a political backlash. You can count on it.

@Greg: come on barry saw a crisis he could use before the election to stir up his base. barry thought that with a name like Zimmerman, the man couldn’t be other than white. What a way to continue dividing the nation AND get low information voters aka barry’s base to the polls using a white on black crime. Unfortunately barry bet on the come and lost.

If barry really cared about crime, he would look into the 300+ young black adults killed this year in Chicago. Oops sorry those are black on black crime and he just can’t get as much mileage.

the Texas Taliban passed legislation designed to totally eliminate women’s access to abortion services.

Once again, Greggie proves that the only way he will ever have a clue is if someone buys it for him.

We’ll see who has a clue, come the next election cycle. The odd thing is that even though republicans seem to understand how they’re screwing up elections, they keep right on doing it.

I would have said amusing instead of odd, if I didn’t believe a healthy two-party system is necessary to keep the nation on a moderate, middle-of-the-road course. Far-right republicans don’t actually serve that purpose.

With obama injecting himself into things that don’t concern a president, it seems more and more obvious to me that he would like to be a dictator, and not a president. He is always trying to get people to do things he wants them to do, in areas he shouldn’t be involved in.


How is stopping abortions after 20 weeks “totally eliminating” it? That leaves 5 months where any woman can kill their baby at any time.



Obama knows the Constitution like I know Klingon.

@Greg: Obama made a totally valid observation, and anyone who has a clue knows it.

Yes. Obama described the young man who died as someone who looked as if he could have been his son.

‘If I Had A Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon’

Or, Marquise Chandler, a 20 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Garfield Park.
Or, Ed Cooper, a 15 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Humboldt Park.
Or, Ramone Godfrey, a 19 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in New City.
Or, Shavonte Howard, a 20 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Gage Park.
Or, Damani Henard, a 14 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Austin.
Or, Ashley Hardmon, a 19 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Austin.

All these black boys were killed in Chicago, Ill., between July 2nd and today.

June, 2013?

‘If I Had A Son, He’d Look Like …..’

Stephon Miller, a 18 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Washington Heights.
Or, Malcolm Whitney, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in South Shore.
Or, Sterling Sims, a 5 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in New City.
Or, Tracey Gipson, a 18 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in South Shore.
Or, Jamal Jones, a 19 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.
Or, Robert Allen, a 19 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.
Or, Jessie Clark, a 20 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Roseland.
Or, Dionte Maxwell, a 18 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Avalon Park.

There are probably that many black boys who Obama could have said, ‘If I Had A Son, He’d Look Like XXXXX.’

Why pick out Trayvon?
Because GUN CONTROL was his issue, racial hatred was his boogyman, and he THOUGHT any man named George Zimmerman was going to be a white man, hopefully a Jew.
Obama could care less about the lives of black children cut down in Chicago.
Those blacks don’t help his narrative.

GREG.. it was a STATE MATTER… HOLDER and OBAMA should have STFU and stayed out of it. All they did, was give the GREEN LIGHT to JJ and SHARPTON ETC.. and then INTIMIDATE FLA into prosecuting a NO WIN TRIAL…. will you EVER SMARTEN UP???

@Greg: #5… can you ever post, WITHOUT LYING?? LOL!!


Obama made a totally valid observation, and anyone who has a clue knows it.

Oh, so that’s the reason for your ignorance, you don’t have a clue?

@Rob in Katy, #10:

How is stopping abortions after 20 weeks “totally eliminating” it?

Twenty weeks is not what will render abortion services essentially unavailable. How Texas republicans are accomplishing that is by setting various clinic requirements that are not medically necessary, but will make the costs of meeting them so high that clinics won’t be able to remain open.

@Hankster58: The answer is NO!

@Greg: #16 you said “the Texas Taliban passed legislation designed to totally eliminate women’s access to abortion services “…. PROVE IT.. you make CLAIMS, with ZERO basis in FACT…… MAN you libs are MENTAL!!

@Hankster58, #18:

I’m guessing you haven’t even checked to see what might be included in the new Texas legislation.

Let’s look on the bright side, however. If Perry signs off on this, there’s no way in hell he’ll ever be elected president. That will be one less thing to worry about.

Well, do you want safe abortions or not? I thought that was always the liberal argument. Now you have gone from being limited to the first trimester to 20 weeks that is a pretty big gain in the killing window and now you are haggling about where? Then there is the old coat hanger argument, well we are making sure it is done safely, that may impose some inconvenience but for killing an innocent life I figured you would take that extra effort?

Greg, LIST all the EVIL PARTS for us…. DYING to see what you’re wetting your pants over… especially since YOU will never use it!!


Texas republicans are accomplishing that is by setting various clinic requirements that are not medically necessary

You mean the same standards that were imposed in PA after the Kermit Gosnell trial? Or the same standards that Texas currently imposes on oral surgeons or any facility that does out-patient minor surgery?

Obviously, you don’t care if women have to submit themselves to substandard abortion clinics as long as the abortion doctor can rake in the bucks. Seems if Planned Parenthood can build a six story building in the heart of Houston’s black neighborhood (and Sheila Jackson Lee’s district) it can afford to pay doctors that have hospital privileges.

@retire05, #22:

Obviously you believe that republican male members of the Texas state legislative body know more about the practice of medicine than licensed doctors.

The volume of paperwork doctors will have to complete for The State and the extreme intrusiveness of the questions into a woman’s most private business are unbelievable. But you avowed small government, Constitutional rights types actually love that sort of stuff, don’t you?

I’ve been thinking of Obama’s motivivation (and the MSM’s for that matter,) in insinuating himself and the Justice Department into the protests, trial, and reporting thereof. The following news reports came out following the trial:

Bloomberg: End ‘Shoot First’ Laws

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, in his latest attempt to demagogue the gun-control issue, used the occasion of George Zimmerman’s acquittal to release a statement on Sunday that asserted his desire to eradicating “Stand Your Ground” laws.

Mayor Bloomberg: End ‘shoot-first’ laws

Reid on Zimmerman: ‘This Isn’t Over With’

On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) asked for the Justice Department to prosecute George Zimmerman, who was acquitted Saturday night in the killing of Trayvon Martin. “I think the Justice Department is going to take a look at this,” Reid told NBC’s Meet the Press. “This isn’t over with and I think that’s good. That’s our system, it’s gotten better, not worse.”

Obama Responds to Zimmerman Verdict: ‘Stem the Tide of Gun Violence’–For Trayvon

I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

Obama: Honor Trayvon Martin by battling gun violence

President Obama called on the nation to honor Trayvon Martin a day after George Zimmerman was acquitted of his murder by asking “ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence.”

I theorize that the main motivation all of the above has in turning this local tragedy into a show trial, is to try again to get gun control brought up again. Looking into my crystal ball, I expect fully that the race-baiting hucksters will try to keep the fires of hatred hot, and to introduce (yet again) the threat of racial unrest into creating fear in the hearts of the public. I propose that such protests, marches and rioting will continue for a while, and then the gun control crowd will try to add these televised events into more messages of why we need to pass gun control now. Obama will likely bring Trayvon Martin’s family to the white house and parade them in front of the cameras, while breaks into yet another sermon about the evils of guns, no doubt calling for expansions of the gun control bill to include a Federal ban on “stand your ground” laws and perhaps even including banning of conceal-carry permits.

IMO, The public and people are again being manipulated by these devious anti-constitutional elites.

how can anyone have a clue of what they are saying and doing?
when you see them dangling under a cable in the strongest wind,

they are so afraid of loosing the BLACK VOTERS,
what did they do for the BLACK YOUTH? NOTHING


I would have said amusing instead of odd, if I didn’t believe a healthy two-party system is necessary to keep the nation on a moderate, middle-of-the-road course.

You aren’t middle of the road. A lot of what you advocate here was advocated by Marx and Lenin. I don’t know if you ever read their works, but you either have and your opinions were influenced by them or you have never read them and don’t realize how close your views are to theirs. Some of your statements are almost identical to theirs in words and especially in thought. For example, they, like you, blamed everything they could on the rich and capitalism. They both pushed for redistribution of wealth like you have. Lenin seized property and businesses from the “rich” and gave them to the workers just like Obama did with GM and which you supported. I could go on, but that would be beating a dead horse. Keep in mind history has shown their communist utopia was a failure and it caused the enslavement and deaths of millions.

@Hankster58: #21… GREG, STILL WAITING on that LIST……


Greg said: I’m guessing you haven’t even checked to see what might be included in the new Texas legislation.

Then Greg said: Obviously you believe that republican male members of the Texas state legislative body know more about the practice of medicine than licensed doctors.

Then you said: Greg, LIST all the EVIL PARTS for us…. DYING to see what you’re wetting your pants over… especially since YOU will never use it!!

Do you really think Greggie will ever back up ANYTHING he says? He can only spout the mumblings his handlers tell him to. Greggie is the ultimate example of “useful idiot.”

@retire05: 😉

The moment anyone raises the point that average Americans are frequently getting screwed by a system that increasingly favors the wealthiest, and that average Americans are being set up to be left holding the bag, people on the right predictably go glassy-eyed and begin ranting about Marx, Lenin, and the evils of unions, government, and taxes. Somehow, Obama symbolizes all of those things, along with a laundry list of other right-wing fixations.


@Greg: .And when people continually rant that capitalism, business, and those desiring less government are the cause of all of our problems, they are making the exact same arguments that Marx and Lenin made. It’s a matter of historical fact that Lenin seized businesses and gave them to the workers. Are you denying that he never did that or that it didn’t happen with GM? It’s a matter of fact that they attacked capitalism. Are you trying to say that they didn’t do that either?