Obama is angry
President Obama is “concerned and angry” over allegations that dozens of veterans may have died waiting for appointments at a Phoenix veterans hospital, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday.
“He certainly is concerned and angry about the allegations we’ve seen,” the White House spokesman told reporters aboard Air Force One.
Holder promises not to investigate:
The Department of Justice does not intend to investigate the deaths of 40 veterans who were placed on a secret waiting lists at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Arizona any time soon.
Attorney General Eric Holder said the issue was on DOJ’s ‘radar,’ but it would not intervene ‘at this time.’
‘Well, obviously these reports if they’re true are unacceptable, and the allegations are being taken very seriously by the administration,’ Holder told reporters on Tuesday.
‘But I don’t have any announcements at this time with regard to anything that the Justice Department is doing,’ he said.
No doubt Obama will “get to the bottom of this” just as he has the IRS and Benghazi.
He said he was “concerned and angry” about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS Tea Party targeting, NSA/Edward Snowden, etc. until he declared them to be “phony” scandals.
@David: Perhaps these are phony corpses.
No one should be surprised that the VA admin personnel were covering things up. Remember, Shinsheki was the Clinton appointed military yes-man who dealt with the low morale in the army under Clinton by spending millions of dollars making all of us start wearing berets. He stated berets would make us look like we had more esprit de corps, which would improve morale….and the idiot managed to make the idiocy even worse by ordering a huge chunk of the berets from the Chicoms. To add insult to injury, he insisted the berets be the same color that the elite Rangers had used for decades, leading them to have to change their berets to Tan in color.
Put a window dresser in charge of things, and you might get something that looks all shiny and cool on the front for a little while, but you will always get disaster behind the scenes. Kind of like the window dressing buffoon currently befouling the Oval Office……
obama pretends to have a temper tantrum for the media and then holder does what obama wants – nothing. Evidently this has been happening since obama was first elected. He had started the purging of the species from the beginning. Listen up your obamacare lovers. This is what is coming down the line.
But there has been a fast-tracking of Bradley Manning who wants to be turned into a woman!
Bradley will go to the front of the line as he morphs into Chelsea.
And that ain’t cheap!
More whistleblowers detail VA abuses, suffer retaliation
What a shocker.