Obama: America can kiss my ass

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Barack Obama went on the offensive over his ailing healthcare reforms on Wednesday, challenging Republicans to suggest alternatives and insisting there was no going back to the previous system that left 43 million Americans uninsured.
As the White House sought to use recent improvements to its broken website to turn the public debate around, Obama spoke in front of a group of patients who had already benefited from other reforms under the Affordable Care Act.
“My main message today is: we’re not going back,” said the president. “That seems to be the only alternative that Obamacare’s opponents have.”
“If you don’t like the law, then you have got to tell us specifically what you would do differently. You can’t just say the system was working when 43 million went without health insurance.”

More at The Guardian

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“My main message today is: we’re not going back,” said the president. “That seems to be the only alternative that Obamacare’s opponents have.”

Maybe not while you’re President. Once you’re out of office, how can you stop it El Presidente?