There was ample evidence, in other words, that the Ft. Hood attack was an act of Islamist violence. Nevertheless, public officials, journalists, and commentators were quick to caution that the public should not “jump to conclusions” about Hasan’s motive. CNN, in particular, became a forum for repeated warnings that the subject should be discussed with particular care.
I believe that Obama’s initial response this time is entirely consistent with his initial response to Ft. Hood.
I think that both the present response and the prior (Ft. Hood) response were entirely appropriate. In both cases, it was better to have full investigations, to obtain all relevant facts, and not have the President of the United States offer any sort of premature opinions/conclusions.
It is entirely regrettable that other politicians, pundits, and bloggers did not exhibit the same wisdom.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Good grief Larry, he didn’t address the Ft. Hood shootings until 3 minutes into his opening remarks…..after his infamous shout out as he addressed the Bureau of Indian affairs. It obviously wasn’t serious enough to cancel or postpone his scheduled
photo opmeeting.With Ft. Hood we learned right away we were not to jump to conclusions, well, many in the MSM and Congress have jumped to conclusions in this horror, where’s our leader????? IMHO he isn’t capable of offering a “premature opinion” or lead.
@Missy: I think that you are being hypercritical — you are basically criticizing style, as opposed to substance. I looked up the episode to which you refer; here’s a fair and balanced description, from the fair and balanced network:
Read more:
My original reply to Curt was simply noting that Obama wasn’t being either hypocritical or inconsistent, with his responses to Ft. Hood on one hand and Tucson, on the other hand.
– Larry W/HB
I think the main reason there were two different reactions is that anyone watching world events (the Danish cartoon riots, the Christian convert riots, the Paris riots over the deaths of the two fleeing felons, and so on) realizes that if you give Muslims any excuse to become angry with you SOME of them might take you up on it in a violent manner.
BUT… the case of a crazy man….you can be as vile as you like, and slime Tea Partiers all you want.
No Tea party member has ever been arrested at a Tea Party event.
And crazy people are far more attentive to the thoughts in their own heads than from would-be inciters from the Left.