Oops. President Obama was caught Monday on a live microphone asking outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for more “space” on missile defense. “This is my last election,” Obama said. “After my election, I have more flexibility.” This raises the question: What other important policy matters is the President is putting on hold until after the election?
Obama put off dealing with the Keystone Pipeline, thus avoiding a politically difficult decision in a situation that pitted Obama’s backers in the environmental movement against those in organized labor. Obama put the nation’s energy security at risk because he was worried about political ramifications.
“Whether it’s the Keystone XL Pipeline or missile defense, the president puts political calculations ahead of the national interest. How very un-presidential,” said CEI senior fellow Marlo Lewis.
“The President’s hot mic gaff reveals the Obama administration’s agenda of putting political ambitions ahead of the country,: said CEI Labor Policy Counsel Vincent Vernuccio.
Perhaps the Poles, Czech’s and Israeli’s will have their Special Forces team up for an “O” take down.
It seems our Military has been neutered beyond repair.
When Obama is not actively dismantling our once-great country he is dithering.
This is a case of him admitting he will be dithering no matter what Russia does over the next few months.