But, remember… Obama is pro-Israel.
In February, Kamal al-Halbavi, a senior member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, traveled to Iran and said he hoped that Egypt would have a “a good government, like the Iranian government, and a good president like Mr. Ahmadinejad, who is very brave.”
Kamal al-Halbavi (Kamal Helbawi) also told Iranian news outlets that the Khomeini revolution in Iran set an example for others to follow today. Al-Habawi added, “Unfortunately there are no personalities like Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei.”
It is widely known that the Muslim Brotherhood wants Sharia Law in Egypt.
But, that didn’t stop the Obama Administration from holding meetings with these radical Jew-hating Islamists.
Reuters reported, via Free Republic:U.S. officials have met members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political party, a U.S. diplomat said, after Washington announced it would have direct contacts with Egypt’s biggest Islamist group whose role has grown since U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak was ousted.
Washington announced the plans in June, portraying such contacts as the continuation of an earlier policy. But analysts said it reflected a new approach to the way it dealt with a group which Mubarak banned from politics.
The democrats have been closely tied with the “brotherhood” for years. If not, explain how Huma got her job in the Clinton WH with no prior experience, and just a little college. Of course, Huma’s mom is a big shot with the “brotherhood”. It’s no coincidence that Hillary jumped at the chance to help out with air strikes in Libya.
Great point, JustAl.
Remember when the US was thinking about going after Saddam in Iraq?
We were taking the word of a lot of Iraqi ex-pats then.
And they lied to us.
About everything.
There is no prohibition against lying to the ”infidel” in Islam.
If using an infidel power can get you where you want to be, lie to get that infidel power on your side.
In the Koran a group in one city was told by Mohammad himself that they would be protected if they simply did not take the opposition’s side in the battle for control of the area.
That group sat it out and later Mohammad ordered them all to be slaughtered except for a few of the prettiest females.
He’s the model.