Obama’s Nixonian Enemies List On Steroids

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President Barack Obama is reportedly about to sign an executive order that would vastly expand the power of his administration to coerce and intimidate the private sector into submission while restricting the ability of his opponents to engage in political activities.

The order would require any company bidding for a government contract, its political action committee – and its senior officers—to provide in a convenient single report a list of all of their contributions to political parties and candidates for the past two years.  These disclosures currently are required, but made in various reports to different government agencies.  In addition, for the first time ever, companies and individuals would be required to report donations to “third party entities” including membership dues and charitable donations made to organizations that may engage in political speech in addition to their other activities.

“This information could easily be used to form a Nixonian enemies list on steroids,” explains Sean Parnell, president of the Center for Competitive Politics.

Similar disclosure requirements were in a bill that last year’s Democratic Senate was unwilling to pass.   By signing the order, President Obama would override the democratic process and rule, instead, by decree.

The administration justifies the disclosures in the name of transparency.  But, in this case, transparency can easily morph into tyranny.  I do not use this word lightly, but in the appropriate definition as an “oppressive power exerted by government.”

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FOURTH AMENDMENT: ” The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants shall be issued but upon probable cause, supported by Oath and affirmation, and particularilly describing the place to be searched and the person and things to be seized. ”
Political or charitable contributions are not subject to search by federal authorities unless so warranted the contribution to be in violation of previously established law.


The Obama WH has made a habit of trampling upon the Constitution, and all the while, he is hailed for doing so by the sycophants that adore him. The liberal left will see this as a means to deter companies from engaging in political actions, especially in light of the recent USSC case and the judgment rendered therein. Have no doubt that the liberals will hail this with enthusiam, and the ignorant amongst the population will either agree with cheer, or turn away without any regard that their rights have just been reduced, again.

I keep having this image in my head, of Natalie Portman in the Star Wars movie, I believe it was Episode III, where she states, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause”.

And what’s worse, is that this is exactly how liberty and freedom dies. By the cheering masses who wish a little more safety, at the expense of freedoms and liberties that our forefathers fought a war to win for us.