NYT Columnist To Dems: Stop Helping Trump Win In 2020

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The good news: Democrats seem determined to lose the 2020 election by running on an extreme platform of massive government control. The bad news: The same thing … if you’re the New York Times. Op-ed columnist David Leonhardt took a closer look at the internals of last month’s Pew survey and discovered that Democrats have utterly squandered a favorability advantage among American voters since the midterms (via Newsalert):

What happened? Leonhardt reaches back to a July NPR/Marist poll to argue that the party’s progressives are pushing away from populism into straight-out socialism — and that voters won’t buy it. Decriminalizing the border and slavery reparations are now practically de rigueur for presidential hopefuls, but it runs right into a brick wall with the electorate:

The top three are practically party planks at this stage of the 2020 cycle, but they’re extremist positions. The fourth, repealing ObamaCare, was a bipartisan faceplant — remember the 2017 push to pass a repeal? — but in this case relates to the entry just above it. It’s not terribly difficult to understand why 150 million voters might not want to disrupt the status quo for 13 million others with an ObamaCare repeal, while at the same time not wanting to disrupt their own status quo of employer-based private health insurance, especially to trade for mandatory Medicare for All.

Leonhardt therefore wonders whether defeating Trump is the highest priority for Democrats. From his vantage point, they look much more interested in riding their progressive hobby horses than in challenging Trump on more moderate turf:

Given these consequences, you would think that Democrats would be approaching the 2020 campaign with a ruthless sense of purpose. But they’re not, at least not yet. They are not focusing on issues that expose Trump’s many vulnerabilities. They have instead devoted substantial time to wonky subjects that excite some progressive activists — and alienate most American voters. Recent polls suggest that the Democrats really are increasing the chances Trump will win re-election. …

The best strategy for Democrats is a populist one that speaks to voters of all races, the sort of campaign they ran last year and that Barack Obama ran in both 2008 and 2012. Those worked out pretty well.

In many fields — politics, business, the military, sports — successful leaders ask themselves what their opponent wants them to do, and then do the opposite. If Democrats at this week’s debate keep talking about border decriminalization and mandatory Medicare, I know that many well-meaning liberals will be happy. But I can think of someone else who will also be happy: Donald Trump.

The strategy seems to be that the more Democratic Party elites endorse these ideas, the more mainstream they will become. Leonhardt’s looking at the early returns of that strategy and rightly sending up a warning flare. All that does is make the distance between elites and the voters more obvious to the latter, while the former increase their own obliviousness. It continues because these candidates aren’t listening to voters — they’re listening to the progressive activists in the urban/academic bubble.

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Given these consequences, you would think that Democrats would be approaching the 2020 campaign with a ruthless sense of purpose. But they’re not, at least not yet. They are not focusing on issues that expose Trump’s many vulnerabilities. They have instead devoted substantial time to wonky subjects that excite some progressive activists — and alienate most American voters.

It was the formula in 2008; promise ANYTHING to EVERYONE in order to appeal the the dumbest of the dumb; their base. Though they weren’t as numerous in 2008, the candidates have to out-hate America than all the other candidates to appeal to their base, who yearns to have the great United States put in its place. THEN, when the DNC has revealed the candidate THEY chose, the candidate pretends no one was paying attention during the primaries and begins acting as if they have had America’s interest at heart all along.

The wise don’t fall for it.

60% support the bankrupting New Green Deal? 60% of WHAT? Russians? Chinese? Iranians? N. Koreans? Certainly people other than those that desire a strong, vibrant United States of America.

The New York Pravda just another liberal rag that calls its self a News Paper only good for lining a Birds Cage with

@Deplorable Me:You say “The wise won’t fall for it” I’d say poster #2 is an example of YOUR typical wise person. An impressive band.

@Richard Wheeler: Plover speaks the truth that the NYT is a liberal rag pushing the liberal agenda. While noticing that does not necessarily indicate any profound wisdom, denying it is most certainly a clear and distinct indication of something OTHER than wisdom.

After all, not everyone HAS a bird.

Are you enjoying seeing your favorite doll get shut out by your beloved DNC?

@Deplorable Me: Got no love for DNC—TULSI POLLING AT 6% IN N.H—5TH place—to meet her is to vote for her.
DT—RCP average approval around 42%—pretty dismal.
Taliban invited to U.S—THINK NOT

@Richard Wheeler: But she slapped around a liberal “woman of color”. Naughty, naughty. Now she’s a racist… like Pelosi. She’s not what the DNC, who will decide, is looking for.

Luckily, we don’t need what the DNC is peddling. We HAVE a leader.

@Deplorable Me: You wanna call her a racist–what does that say about you?
We don’t know if DT is a racist white supremacist—-what we know is avowed racist white supremacists support Trump.

@Richard Wheeler: Hey, that’s YOUR party’s rule. It’s the rule you apply to Trump. Not me… YOUR PARTY. If you don’t like it… CHANGE PARTIES. Supporting and defending the party of racists, racism and fascism is not very complementary.

@Deplorable Me: “Now she’s a racist like Pelosi” Your quote BILL—no one else but you.
btw—give an example of why YOU think Tulsi is a racist

@Richard Wheeler: My quote… YOUR party’s rules. Again, if you disagree, why do you support and defend a party that generates racism only to exploit it for their own political gain?

@Deplorable Me: It seems you are now writing the rules for The Democratic Party—-are you a registered Dem? Why are YOU calling Major Gabbard a racist
I will call Trump supporter David Duke a racist—think we can agree on him.

@Richard Wheeler:

It seems you are now writing the rules for The Democratic Party

See, this is why you make such stupid voting choices; you deny reality. No, that is the rule YOUR party made, though they mostly only apply it to opponents.

How about calling Al Sharpton, who every Democrat rushes to kiss his ring, a racist? How about calling Omar, Tlaib and AOC racists and anti-Semites? How about calling Farrakhan, who many Democrats met with and hugged it up with, a racist? The fact that the racist Duke may or may not support Republicans that will have nothing to do with him is NOT a Republican or Trump problem. However, the racists you have as representatives and the racists they seek the support of is a MAJOR problem for YOUR decadent party. THAT’S what you should be worrying about. But, for reasons we can only assume, you don’t. It’s OK with you.

Remember, racism is nothing but a weapon for Democrats. That’s your party.