By Clay Waters
New York Times climate reporter Cara Buckley issued a weirdly casual “news” profile of the “gentle” leader of a radical anti-humanity movement called Voluntary Human Extinction, datelined (naturally) Portland, Oregon, under the admirably honest headline: “Earth Now Has 8 Billion Humans. This Man Wishes There Were None.” So enthusiastic was Buckley that this sentence was included in her online byline: “Buckley interviewed Mr. [Les] Knight in Portland and was surprised to find him curiously uplifting.”
The praise for the humanity-loathing human began at the start. Not even Tucker Carlson could hamper Knight’s good vibes.For someone who wants his own species to go extinct, Les Knight is a remarkably happy-go-lucky human.
He has regularly hosted meteor shower parties with rooftop fireworks. He organized a long-running game of nude croquet in his backyard, which, it should be mentioned, is ringed by 20-foot-tall laurel hedges. Even Tucker Carlson proved no match for Mr. Knight’s ebullience. During a 2005 interview with Mr. Knight on MSNBC, Mr. Carlson criticized him for espousing “the sickest” of beliefs but then added, “You are one of the cheeriest guests we’ve ever had.”Then came the hammer blow inside the velvet glove:
Mr. Knight, 75, is the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction movement, which is less a movement than a loose consortium of people who believe that the best thing humans can do to help the Earth is to stop having children.
A voluntary die-off of humans to clear Planet Earth, in other words.
Mr. Knight added the word “voluntary” decades ago to make it clear that adherents do not support mass murder or forced birth control, nor do they encourage suicide. Their ethos is echoed in their motto, “May we live long and die out,” and in another one of their slogans, which Mr. Knight hangs at various conventions and street fairs: “Thank you for not breeding.”
“Voluntary” for now, anyway. It’s always best to hedge when it comes to radical left-wing wish lists, where living longer and no longer dying young aren’t considered positive trends.
On Nov. 15, the Earth became home to a record eight billion human beings. Despite declining birthrates, the number is forecast to peak at 10.4 billion in the coming decades, in large part because of increases in life expectancy and decreases in child mortality.
Buckley briefly noted qualms about “racist theories like eugenics” surrounding population control, but let an outside source rebut them.
Let this idiot be the first and only one to make themself extinct
Knight is not the “compassionate conservative”I thought he was.
If this is an ideology the left wants to push, all who ascribe to this lunacy should voluntarily do as they suggest. Then those who want to live will have an environment rid us of this scourge who think the tiny few of them should have any bearing on the decisions of others.
Promoting this type of mental sickness to those who are not mentally sick is in and of itself sick.
This is exemplary of the sickness we see here for the two stooge’s aka greg and michael.
Hey, all y’all climate fanatics listen to this guy. He is brilliant and has a great idea. Those who believe in this climate scam need to stop reproducing IMMEDIATELY. For those of his persuasion to reduced themselves vastly in numbers would be a GREAT thing for the planet. Once the support for this money-grabbing scheme loses support (through the idiots extincting themselves), the elitist wealth redistributors (guiding much of it their way) will lose their control.
The planet is better off with more people on it.
Prove me wrong.
I think I’ve heard stories like this before, but they don’t work out for those who wish to cast the babies into the Nile, no matter how “cheery” they are, like this creep Knight.
Exodus 1:8-22
It seems we “grow to too numerous” for the rich and powerful.
This genocide they are conducting isn’t going to go the way they want, and will only destroy their own power.
The deposition conducted with fauci does implicate the elites in that they would direct their efforts to reduce the population. It is more than obvious now that the CCP virus was loosed upon the world for a number of purposes not the least of which was to have a human genocide for population reduction. The harm the vaccines have caused not only include excessive deaths for causes not related to healthy individuals to damage done to both genders in terms of their reproductive capabilities.
When the WEF and the COP26 (?) went after Nigeria for having “too big of a population,” you should have seen the pushback!
It was rightious!
Yes, Nigerian women average 5.6 babies each over their lives.
But also Nigerian babies die of natural causes more than European babies.
Their average lifespan is shorter, too.
And, with no effective socialist welfare programs, Nigerian adults need to have adult children who will support them as they age.
You know, FAMILY.
The Left wants to destroy FAMILY.
The Left wants to destroy the very idea of appreciation of one’s older relatives.
Rahm Emmanuel’s brother, a doctor, said he wanted to die at 75.
He’s 73, so we’ll see.
This guy “compassionately” (read selfishly) wants old men like himself to be allowed to live out their entire lives, just not allow many after him to do the same.
Canada is already forcing people to accept assisted suicide because medical treatments are being denied for PAIN.
In UK a newly diagnosed cancer patient’s wait time to begin treatment is THREE YEARS!
BUT they can be suicided righ now or anytime they feel like it.
Socialized medicine is like that.
That’s also part of why they have our southern border open.
Those people coming here will have less babies, and their home countries won’t develop and need more fossil fuels.
The New York Slimes has become t nothing but leftists propaganda rag just like the rest of them noting that that other liberal rag Time Magazine called Radical Environmentalists Paul Watson a Hero of the Planet but probably never told their readers that Watson once said I HAVE THE IDEA THAT INSTEAD OF GOING OUT AND SHOOTING BIRDS I WOULD SHOOT THE KIDS WHO SHOOT BIRDS. The New York Slimes has covered up for a lot of criminals