Number of Fast and Furious stories at NBC this year: ZERO

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Bias? What bias?

It’s been a very busy week for Operation Fast and Furious. Last Friday, the Department of Justice dumped 1400 pages of documents on Congress. On Saturday we learned US undercover drug agents laundered money for Mexican drug cartels. Wednesday we learned they were using Fast and Furious to make a case for gun regulations. Thursday was a big day because Attorney General Eric Holder testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

Sharyl Attkisson, Matthew Boyle, Katie Pavlich, and Cam Edwards did a great job covering all of these stories. Other Old Media outlets covered them but buried them deep in their websites and newspapers. Two news organizations didn’t report on any of these. One of them is NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Cam Edwards appears to be right. NBC will do anything to avoid mentioning Operation Fast and Furious. Then again, they haven’t mentioned Fast and Furious ONCE all year, but this past week would have been the best time.

This is no surprise, though. I’ve already written about Mr. Williams completely ignoring Operation Fast and Furious. I thought maybe, just maybe, the program would finally mention it. All the calls for resignation didn’t do it, so maybe this testimony would, especially due to the heated exchanges between Mr. Holder and Mr. Issa. But just because it isn’t a surprise doesn’t mean we shouldn’t call them out. Too many people have died, including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, because of this operation.

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they howled like ravenous dogs when valerie plame was “outed as a secret agent” which she was not, she was a washington debutante. yet that poor bastard scooter libby was thrown in prison and shredded by the wolves. no one died. no one was injured, no conspiracies were carried out,

now look at holder and company, he is directly rsponsible for the death of one border control agent, murdered by criminals armed by his program 300 mexicans were murdered by criminals directly armed by him and his conspiracy to effect gun laws in the U.S. and what has the media done to cover this outrage?

crickets chirping…….

holder should be on trial for his life already along with the rest of his conspirators.

A possible motive for Obama not getting rid of Holder just might be that…
Tony Rezko’s partner Daniel T. Frawley will be sentenced on Tuesday in the court room of Ronald Guzman. Tony Rezko and Daniel Frawley were partners in Companion Security, their goal was to supply security for an electric plant in Chamchamel Iraq…They secured the use of a military base in Savanna Illinois to trian Iraqi’s to use Ak-47’s and other assault weapons although the now convicted felons Frawley & Rezko have/had no related experience…Frawley was picked up by the feds in March of 2006 and immediately began working as an informant for the feds seeking the help from Illinois politicians and their staff…Including then Senator Obama, Frawley met with his staffer Seamus Ahern numerous times and wore a wire recording coversations…He kept a copy of the recordings and is using to black-mail/sue his lawyer of 23 years…When Obama was running for President in 2008 he was intereviewed by local press where he said he “didn’t know Frawley was Rezko’s partner”…The possibity of that statement being ture are slim to none…
What happened with “fast and furious” was/is horrendous…What could of happened IF Frawley and Rezko were successful in bringing Iraqi’s to Illinois to train to use assault weapons would have been much worse. The now convicted Frawley was not only not qualified for such a task he suffers from mental illness, was fired from the CPD for being an “extreme racist” and has a history of violence…The media for the most part has ignored this story with the exception of the Chicago Sun-Times, Brenda Elliots RBO, John Batchelor of Human Events, The Chicago Daily Observer, Citizen Wells, Bill Baar West Side.

Just goes to show, the left will do and say anything to attack the GOP while defending blatantly corrupt dems.
It’s all for a good cause and the ends justify the means in their minds.