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Now There’s Proof! Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump When He Told Him in Jan 2021 Phone Call There Was No Fraud in 2020 Election

by Jim Hoft

In late December 2020, President Trump made a call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asking him to look at some of the items that were uncovered by his auditor.

There was plenty of evidence for a competent auditor or any man of integrity to know that the election was uncertifiable.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger’s office secretly recorded the phone call with President Trump, then lied about its contents later when they leaked it to the far-left Washington Post.

After they were caught lying to the American public, The Washington Post outed Jordan Fuchs as their anonymous source for the garbage hit piece.

Fuchs provided the WaPo with a fraudulent Trump quote that the paper ran in an anti-Trump hit piece on January 9th.

They planned this to do the most damage to President Trump before the sham impeachment trial in the US Senate.

Georgia Chairman of the Republican Party David Shafer later revealed that Raffensperger and Fuchs lied to the Washington Post about Trump, demanding that they “find the fraud.”

Then, after they leaked their version of the story to the Washington Post, they deleted the audio of the call.

The audio file was later found in the laptop’s “trash” folder.

From the Washington Post:

Correction: Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to “find the fraud” or say she would be “a national hero” if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find “dishonesty” there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country right now.” A story about the recording can be found here. The headline and text of this story have been corrected to remove quotes misattributed to Trump.

This shows who Trump was dealing with in Georgia!

But that is not all.

That was NOT the only lie made by Brad Raffensperger related to that infamous phone call.

Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote published their report titled “The Aftermath” in August on the organization’s broader work in Georgia before, during, and after the 2020 presidential election.

The Aftermath focused on the impact the dirty voter rolls had on the 2020 Georgia presidential election. Following the report, Democrat hitman Marc Elias filed a lawsuit against True the Vote for their efforts to clean up the voter rolls in Georgia. The Biden DOJ recently joined the Elias case against True the Vote.

The Aftermath report confirmed that Brad Raffensperger lied to President Trump about the 2020 election in Georgia in that infamous phone call.

Raffensperger told President Trump that the election in Georgia was clean when he knew, in fact, that this was not the case.

Catherine Engelbrecht proved this later when she released a legal affidavit on her meeting with Raffensperger in early December 2020.

Catherine noted that she told Raffensperger in December 2020 that there were 67,284 votes cast that should likely not have been counted because the voters’ registrations were ineligible based on permanent change of residency.

But Brad Raffensperger lied to President Trump about fraudulent voter registrations on that Jan. 2nd call. Raffensperger said everything was fine when he knew otherwise!

From Catherine’s affidavit:

Catherine and True the Vote published her affidavit that confirms Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger lied to President Trump during their phone call on Jan. 2, 2021.

Here are the numbers of ineligible votes from the 2020 election via True the Vote’s Aftermath Report.

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