Now That Knife Crimes In Britain Are Soaring Ever Since The UK Government Put A Total Ban On Guns, Police Are Urging People To Turn In Their Knives

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The new “Save a Life – Surrender Your Knife” program is in full swing and police are telling us that they have joined forces with an already growing trend in the United Kingdom to ban ‘pointy’ knives. Police departments in Britain, urging people to give up their blades, including those from the kitchen, are literally advising people to NOT to become a victim by NOT defending themselves.

So, let’s get this straight, “Save a Life – Surrender Your Knife” would have saved British soldier Lee Rigby’s life when he was savagely slaughtered and beheaded in the streets of London by 2 Muslim terrorists with knives?


Counter Current News  Lancashire Police tell us that an “amnesty” program began at the end of August, and “more than 800 knives have been handed in across the county – including swords, machetes and commando knives.” “The amnesty was extended for a further week owing to its success,” Lancashire Police representatives explained.

The Lancashire department explains that their “officers have now given their backing to a national initiative designed to raise awareness of knife crime and encourage the surrender of dangerous weapons.”


In spite of the amnesty ending this week, police tell us that “people can continue to hand in any knife at any police station with a front counter as well being able to drop them into the designated bins.”

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Back when the UK banned guns from almost everybody, violent crimes didn’t go away, they’ve actually went up.

Britons suffer 1,158,957 violent crimes per year, which works out at 2,034 per 100,000 residents. The U.S., meanwhile, has a rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, which is lower than France’s, at 504.

Then it was the knives turn…..
In 1988 possession of a pocket knife with a blade larger than 3 inches in public became illegal.
In 1996, it became illegal to sell a razor blade to anyone under the age of 16.
In 2007, you needed a license to be able to sell “non-domestic knives.”

Despite all that knifepoint robberies rose by 10 percentin 2012 and there are some 60,000 stabbings each year.
So now the push is on to outlaw long kitchen knives.
Once that’s done, surely utopia will be at hand.
Julia Child would have looked pretty funny trying to slice up a rib roast with a tiny steak knife!
The big problem with this approach is the fallacy that governance by men over men can perfect men.
It cannot.
Man is imperfect from Adam and Eve onward.
Any government that comes from men (humans) is bound to be fatally flawed as well.
Sometimes it just takes longer to see it.

Are only “assault knives” banned? How about knives with high-capacity blades? Are hunting knives OK?

Thank you, liberals, for looking out for us and keeping us safe.


I imagine they would classify a Swiss Army knife as an “assault knife”.