Many people are noticing a rather familiar, albeit oddly timed, leftist “anti-Semitism” narrative being pushed into the media broadcasts over the past 36 hours. Yes, it seems to have come out of no-where. Why? No-one is really understanding what’s going on.
Understandably, the right-side of the political continuum are referencing the media push from the position of their own camp; that makes them defensive. However, the actual motive of the professional corporate media to push this meme has nothing to do with President Trump or republicans – it’s an internal maneuver and transparently Clintonian.
Team Clinton, meaning the professionally political elements of the Democrat machinery, are pushing the anti-Semitism storylines because the party is in the final stages of framing their argument to ensure their preferred DNC head, Tom Perez, wins as party chair.
The Democratic National Committee votes this week for its next leader. The winner of the DNC chair race will very likely reflect whether the committee’s voting members think it prudent to align their party with the Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama camp, the Bernie Sanders camp — or neither. ~NPR
Tom Perez endorsements: former Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Keith Ellison endorsements: Sen. Bernie Sanders; Sen. Elizabeth Warren; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer; Rep. John Lewis; New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley
Pushing odd, vague, disingenuous and sparsely connected stories about anti-Semitic news, is the way Team Clinton undermine Perez’s opponent, Keith Ellison.
Representative Ellison, a Muslim, carries a strong anti-Semitic liability from his past associations and past engagements speaking negatively about Jewish people.
Team Clinton are exponentially more shrewd than most give them credit for. Even Machiavelli couldn’t keep up with their schemes. With the DNC election coming up, the professionally Democrat know how to plant the most toxic seeds at just the right moment. This is their play toward that end result, nothing more.
Hillary’s statement today reminded me of seeing Michelle Obama standing there, frowning, holding her little sigh that said:
How’d that work out?
Words were all Obama had in his arsenal.
Hillary is only concerned with mouthing proper words, too.
Maybe that’s because she and O delivered well over a $Billion in untraceable cash to Iran’s Mullahs/Ayatollahs.
The bombs aimed at Israel will be paid for with American cash.
Not buying it. They had a party leader for 8 years who is a moslem. They are the party of islam. It would be more than fitting have keith x as their chair….
web hubbells daughter chelsea ckinton claims she is a moslem
andrew coumo syas he is a moslem…..
Sounds like they are trying to create a new “race card” narrative where; if you disagree with the politics of Tom Perez then you are a racist anti-Semite.