Nothing says “We are all Trayvon” like ransacking a store

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North Miami Beach police said surveillance video shows dozens of high school students demonstrating in the Trayvon Martin case Friday ransacking a Walgreens store.

The incident occurred during a walkout from North Miami Beach Senior High School in support of Martin, 17, who was fatally shot in Sanford. Protesters have been calling for the arrest of George Zimmerman, 28, who has not been charged because he claimed self-defense in the shooting, according to police.

Minutes after walking out of their school Friday, a large group of students walked through the streets of North Miami Beach. Along the way, they stopped at a Walgreens at 163rd Street and 15th Avenue at about 10:40 a.m.

Surveillance video shows dozens of teenagers running through the store. Police said about 80 to 100 students stormed in, ransacking the shelves, before the school’s vice principal ordered everyone outside.

North Miami Beach police said students damaged items worth about $150.

“We do not accept any type of violation on the part of our students,” Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said Friday. “There ought to be consequences, and we’ll be collaborating with whatever law enforcement entity is investigating that issue.”

“I don’t think they were doing it, like, to be malicious or whatever. They were just in the moment where they weren’t really thinking right because they were so angry,” said student Jenny Sincere.

“It showed bad character because that’s not what we were out there for,” student Eric On-Sang said. “A few just made us look really bad.”

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I hope our POTUS and the likes of Sharpton/Jesse and ilk are very proud of themselves getting right in there to fan the flames…

And then you have this gem of a though process… and, a really bright idea to get rid of their Anger…

“I don’t think they were doing it, like, to be malicious or whatever. They were just in the moment where they weren’t really thinking right because they were so angry,” said student Jenny Sincere.”

Malicious and Angry… in the same sentence? hmm… Like, like what were they so “angry” about again? Like, what “facts” have they ingested? Usually Malicious and anger go hand in hand…. What does this say about Anger and controlling it? What do parents and schools teach the kids these days…..? This doesn’t say much for either….

Like, why were they “not thinking right” ?? What exactly caused them to “not think right???” Sorry, but when I hear shit commentary like this, I always think “Liberals.” Why? Because they truly “don’t think right”. Sheesh!

Yep, we are all Trayvon all right…