Noted Adulterer, Hypocrite & Race-Baiter Jesse Jackson Calls Phil Robertson’s Comments ‘More Offensive’ Than Rosa Parks Bus Driver

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Politik Ditto:

Lest you thought the battle over Phil Robertson’s comments about gays and Jim Crow-era relations might be calming—or even taking Christmas Day off—ReverendJesse Jackson has waded in, and brought the controversy’s second Rosa Parks reference to boot.

“These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago,” Jackson said in a press release. “At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’” 

An Illinois congressional candidate compared Robertson favorably to Parks earlier in the week.

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Isn’t this rich?

Once again Jessie the race bating pimp stirring the pot of the ignorant…

…how much is he getting paid for this…this time?

Has Jessie EVER done ANYTHING to IMPROVE anything?…Answer: No!! There is no $$$$ in THAT!!

Let’s see, an old white male comes out saying that African Americans were happier oppressed during the Jim Crow era which promptly brought the support of right wing blogs. A black civil rights advocate comes out criticizing such statements which promptly draws condemnation from right wing blogs, even childish name calling.

A black teenager armed only with a bag of Skittles is stalked and shot to death by a white male. Right wing blogs automatically portrays the victim as a thug and vindicates the shooter as a hero.

Right wing blogs went into an all out unprecedented hate fest of a newly black elected president and has nurtured that hate fest every since.

Right wing blogs have repeatedly attacked the First Lady although she has nothing to do with policy or legislation.

Heads have exploded on right wing blogs over a black President taking vacations which were smaller in comparison to his predecessors.

Black voter disenfranchisement has the full support of most right wing blogs, even cheering the SCOTUS gutting voters rights.

Republicans or conservatives or whatever they are today wonder why they don’t have the support of black voters.

@Ronald J. Ward:

an old white male comes out saying that African Americans were happier oppressed during the Jim Crow era

A black civil rights advocate comes out criticizing such statements which promptly draws condemnation from right wing blogs, even childish name calling.

What was false about Jackson? Is he an adulterer? Is he a race pimp? Has he done anything to make the neighborhoods that black children grow up in better? Done anything to improve the inner-city schools that black children are forced to attend? Just exactly, besides getting a free beer distributorship for his son, has Jesse Jackson ever done for another black American?

Black voter disenfranchisement has the full support of most right wing blogs, even cheering the SCOTUS gutting voters rights.

Of all the ridiculous things you listed, this has to be one of the most funny. Perhaps you should look at the recent (November, 2012) elections in Texas where Eric Holder tried to sue to keep voter I.D. laws from being implemented. What happened once those laws went into effect? Why, golly gee, Miss Molly, voter participation reached record levels for a mid-term election with black votes markedly increased. How’s that whole “disenfranchisement” thing working in lieu of those facts? And since it is blacks registering blacks to vote in black neighborhoods, who is trying to disenfranchise them when Democrats are stealing votes in those very districts? And when you have blacks, working for the Democrats, going into black districts and voting one, two or five times, whiners like you will continue to push the meme that whites are disenfranchising the black vote when it is blacks who are disenfranchising the black vote with voter fraud.

Jesse Jackson is a scam artist who rode the coat tails of Dr. King, even claiming at one time that Dr. King died in his arms until Ralph Abernathy shut him up.

Your age discrimination withstanding, that is not what Phil Robertson said, so one can only assume you twist his words to fit your own agenda.

I wonder if Jesse J. had been in Hawaaii with the Obama’s they MIGHT have bothered to go to church this last Christmas?
He wasn’t.
They didn’t.
Below is the text of the White House release to the press:

Last night, the President made holiday telephone calls to US service members, then sat down with his family for Christmas Eve dinner.

This morning, (Christmas Day) the family gathered around 8AM to open their Christmas gifts. They then ate breakfast and sang carols.

This afternoon, the President and the First Lady traveled to the Marine Base to visit with service members and their families.

In the evening, the First Family and friends will enjoy dinner at their home.

Didn’t need to.
Same as 2009:

PS, hey, @Ronald J. Ward, no conservative heads exploded over this.
Jesse J. has a lot of nerve calling anyone names…..

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than
to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

― Jesse Jackson

Phil never said ALL blacks were happier during the Jim Crow era, only that the very ones HE knew at the time: Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana:

I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field…. They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!… Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Note any mass generalization about ALL blacks?
If you did, it was all in your own imagination.

My growing up years in west Tennessee are very similar to Phil’s (BTW I have never watched DUCK DYNASTY… I am 78 years old and My best bud in the early forties was black as charcoal, he lived on the farm next to our tenant farm with his grandparents. My ancestors fought for the union and never owned another human being and they were from west Tennessee (Tennessee 7th Cavalry (Union) formed in Lexington, Tn at the request of President Lincoln by ASA HAYES).
Jesse the adulterer ,Jackson and Al the lying criminal, (Twana Bailey) are the biggest enemies of BLACK AMERICANS! And tthey call themselves “REVEREND” NO HUMAN IS REVEREND..They are diametrically opposite of Jesus Christ!

@retire05: Your grasp to save face becomes more comical each time you respond.

What happened once those laws went into effect? Why, golly gee, Miss Molly, voter participation reached record levels for a mid-term election with black votes markedly increased.

So, uh, the laws to make it more difficult for African Americans were implemented as what, some strategy to inspire them to vote? That’s your argument?

And when you have blacks, working for the Democrats, going into black districts and voting one, two or five times, whiners like you will continue to push the meme that whites are disenfranchising the black vote when it is blacks who are disenfranchising the black vote with voter fraud.

Um, so the blacks are the culprit of voter fraud? They’re the one’s that did it? I followed your link to confirm that but, uh, oh, wait, you didn’t provide any did you? Just how did all those blacks accomplish such a feat? What location did this crime occur?

So, make it hard on blacks to vote so they will vote because they always “vote one, two, or five times” or, or, or something even more incredibly and outrageously stupid?

But I’ll concede there may be some validity in part of your claim that blacks “vote one, two, or five times”. Everyone that votes is guilty of voting that “one” time. Enlighten us with the problem you have with that.

@Ronald J. Ward:

So, uh, the laws to make it more difficult for African Americans were implemented as what, some strategy to inspire them to vote? That’s your argument?

Why do you have such little regard for black Americans? You obviously think they are either a) too stupid to obtain a free state issued I.D. or b) to lazy to get one. “Oh, but wait” you will decry, “what about those blacks who are so poor they don’t have a vehicle to go to a DPS office and get a legal I.D. issued to them?” Well, RJW, if they live in any metropolitan area of Texas, they have access to a bus, OR there are small buses available to those who are handicapped. And if they live rural, they can get their I.D. by using the same mode of travel they use to go to the grocery store, to the doctor’s office or to the welfare office. And if they don’t have I.D., how do they show identity when opening a checking account, or apply for welfare, or Social Security or a Medicaid card? Ummmmm????????

But you seem to think that blacks are so incompetent they can’t get from Point A to Point B and consequently, are just too dumb to get a free legal I.D. Why is that, Ron?

Um, so the blacks are the culprit of voter fraud? They’re the one’s that did it?

Most voter fraud, such as ballot stuffing and ballot mining, is done in minority districts and precincts. Don’t you think a bunch of white dudes and dudettes would be a bit suspicious trying to vote in an almost totally black precinct in Sheila Jackson Lee’s district? And do you not understand that when someone votes illegally, then they disenfranchise the person that voted legally by cancelling out the legal vote? Is that concept beyond your grasp?

What a bigot you are thinking that blacks are just too incompetent to be able to get free state recognized I.D. I find that mindset disgusting.

@retire05: Interesting argument Retire05. Today’s republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today are either creating obstacles or endorsing obstacles to make it harder for African Americans to vote. People who oppose this discrimination by your logic are racists because by your wisdom, they are implying that the black community isn’t intelligent enough to overcome those obstacles.

Most voter fraud, such as ballot stuffing and ballot mining, is done in minority districts and precincts.

Once again please validate your argument with some credible source or something other than your opinion because as I’ve indicated and you seem to have a hard time distancing yourself from, your opinions are quite one sided.

@Ronald J. Ward: You know, Ronald, your feigned outrage over what Robertson or Mediaite would have a touch more credibility if you didn’t use the same race-baiting tactics the Jackson and Sharpton use to avoid admitting you are all hypocrites.

In the first place, Trayvon Martin WAS a thug. He was linked to a beating of a bus driver and at least one burglary. But, that was no reason to be killed. The reason he was killed was because he jumped what he thought to be a defenseless white man (“creepy”, by his own discriminatory description) and tried, apparently, to kill him by beating his head against cement. For THIS he was shot; either he or Zimmerman was going to probably die… as it turned out, it was the guy that was prepared for an attack that lived.

Secondly, what so many from the left have great difficulty understanding (as they cannot practice it), some people can differ in opinion or point of view and not, necessarily, hate each other. Robertson can (and even said so) his opinions, whether you agree with them or not, without hating anyone. You on the left cannot understand that because it does not appear you can disagree with anyone without hating and vilifying them.

@Bill Burris: Well Bill, I’m not sure where or how you deduce I have some “feigned outrage over what Robertson” said as actually I don’t. I’ve even written that I can give him a pass simply because I doubt that he fully realized the significance of his statements.

What I was referring to was more of the knee jerk reaction of the right wing. Robertson is a hero and did no wrong. Jackson and anyone that so much as challenges Robertson’s statements is subject to whatever contempt you can dig up. Palin and Jindall can make asanine interpretations of the1st Amendment and you guys bob your heads like obedient lapdogs. And it just seems to be this way on every racial issue, the hell with reality or facts.

Take Trayvon for example. The right came out in support for Zimmerman in every aspect from the very beginning, ridiculing anyone that dared to argue otherwise. Even your very analysis of the case conflicts with the reality of the trial. You state “the reason he was killed was because he jumped what he thought to be a defenseless white man” but that was never confirmed in the trial. There simply wasn’t enough evidence to convict Zimmerman. Even jurors have admitted they felt their verdict was wrong but had to comply with the court’s instructions. And if the “what ifs” could apply, what we’ve seen and heard from Zimmerman since is telling.

Do I think Zimmerman murdered Martin? I don’t know as I wasn’t there. There were no witnesses or hard evidence to tell us. I’d say that only Zimmerman knows what happened. Yet, here your are adamantly telling us in a factual manner something that you can’t possibly know to be true. Why do you do that? How can you validate your statements? And how can you accuse me of exhibiting hatred when that’s far from the truth? I haven’t expressed hatred but rather have simply questioned the validity of claims your side makes which so often, are disturbingly far from reality.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Today’s republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today are either creating obstacles or endorsing obstacles to make it harder for African Americans to vote.

How so? Is the Department of Health and Human Services creating obstacles to people being able to collect welfare when they require personal identification from that person? Is the Social Security office creating obstacles to a person being able to collect Social Security, SSDI, Medicare or Medicaid when they require personal identification from the applicant? When a minority (blacks are not the only minority, you know, except in your narrow mind) walks into a bank, credit union or savings and loan, and wants to open a checking account, is that financial institution creating an obstacle to that minority being able to open a checking account? Is every state in the Union filled with nothing but bigots at the DMV when they require proof of identity in order to issue a valid driver’s license?

Damn, Ron, oppression of blacks must be rampant because in your mind, those who cannot get valid I.D. for the purpose of voting also do not have valid I.D. for the purpose of obtaining SS, SSDI, Medicare/Medicaid benefits or being able to open a checking account. Why isn’t that plastered all across the front pages of the NY Slimes?

People who oppose this discrimination by your logic are racists because by your wisdom, they are implying that the black community isn’t intelligent enough to overcome those obstacles.

No, clown, YOU are the racist. You are racist in the aspect that you think minorities are just too damned incapable of getting the I.D. required for their most precious freedom, the freedom to vote. And if you deny that there is vote fraud, especially in minority precincts and districts, you are turning a blind eye to minority voter disenfranchisement.

Of course, you don’t provide any scenario where a person would be unable to obtain a legal form of I.D. because your argument that they can’t is not only racist, it is spurious.

Once again please validate your argument with some credible source or something other than your opinion because as I’ve indicated and you seem to have a hard time distancing yourself from, your opinions are quite one sided.

My argument is based on simple common sense and logic, something that seems to elude you.

My argument is based on simple common sense and logic

Ah, the culprit.

You don’t need links or facts or anything else because it’s “simple common sense and logic” that “Most voter fraud, such as ballot stuffing and ballot mining, is done in minority districts and precincts”. That is your argument, what you actually said. You can up and decide at your whim that black people in black precincts vote multiple times because wa la, you say it’s “simple common sense and logic”. You can make any silly accusation you want and the hell with facts or links or reality because you determine it’s “simple common sense and logic”.

Mopping the floor with your abject stupidity is becoming boring. You will not or cannot debate on an intelligent level so you create utter nonsense. And this is quite common from right wing blogs who spew nothing but fabricated gibberish to enhance their hate fest. I mean, how many different ways can you skirt around the fact that the dog ate your homework?

@Ronald J. Ward:

You don’t need links or facts or anything else because it’s “simple common sense and logic” that “Most voter fraud, such as ballot stuffing and ballot mining, is done in minority districts and precincts”. That is your argument, what you actually said.

You are railing on me because I have not provided “links” for you. But wait!!! Weren’t you the one that said:

Today’s republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today are either creating obstacles or endorsing obstacles to make it harder for African Americans to vote.

Where is YOUR proof of that claim? Where are your links? Or is all you have are the Socialists at DailyKos/HuffingtonPost/DNC? Where are the photographs of “republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today” barricading the polls preventing minorities from voting? Where are the people you so hate (conservatives) preventing minorities from registering to vote at post offices and county court houses?

You can up and decide at your whim that black people in black precincts vote multiple times because wa la, you say it’s “simple common sense and logic”.

And you think it is white people committing vote fraud in black precincts? How does that work? Is the RNC busing in rich white suburbanites to vote in black precincts? Where are the photos of that, RJW?

You can make any silly accusation you want and the hell with facts or links or reality because you determine it’s “simple common sense and logic”.

Again, I remind you of what you said:

Today’s republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today are either creating obstacles or endorsing obstacles to make it harder for African Americans to vote.

Mopping the floor with your abject stupidity is becoming boring. You will not or cannot debate on an intelligent level so you create utter nonsense.

You really should learn not to comment on others while looking in the mirror, RJW. You make comments that you cannot prove, and offer no proof of, and then change directions to divert any attention to your own juvenile idiocy. Then you sit back, and bask in what you think is intelligent debate by you when it is nothing of the sort. You are simply a hack that likes to throw sh!t on others thinking no one will notice the stain on your hands.

Now, if you want any link from me, you are going to have to prove your original claims of voter suppression by the “Today’s republicans or conservatives or whatever it is that they are today” and if you don’t, you will prove what a hack you are who is willing to state a falsehood just to further your political agenda.

@Ronald J. Ward: Ronald, you on the left can do a much better job of rewriting history if you allow more of a time separation between the facts as they happen and the ideological fantasy you wish to promote.

The “right”, including myself, supported a man’s right to be innocent until proven guilty. Now, what was Zimmerman assumed guilty of? Well, there was no argument that he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. However, since Trayvon was black and Zimmerman was something other than black, the left thought it would be good, fun sport to create the accusation that Zimmerman was a black-hunting racist with tags to fill. The left offered no evidence whatsoever other than that Trayvon was black and Zimmerman was, at moments of political convenience, a bit more white. No one could have a discussion about self-defense or over-reaction; the only real money-maker is racism. So, the left put a bounty on Zimmerman’s head, published the erroneous address of his parents and organized a lynch mob.

The “right” opposes doing things this way. And, guess what, Ronald… come the verdict, the “right” was, well, right. The left was, as usual, wrong, vindictive, hateful, unlawful and stupid.

We DO know if Zimmerman murdered Martin; there WAS a witness…. two, in fact. There was Zimmerman, talking to the police, explaining what he was doing. And, there was Martin, on his phone, telling his girlfriend he had seen a “creepy-ass cracker” and was going to get him. Further, the statements of the witnesses who called during the attack and the physical evidence all points to one conclusion: Martin set upon Zimmerman, without a word being spoken between them, and pounded Zimmerman’s head into the cement. Martin killed himself by picking the wrong “creepy-ass cracker” to make his cred with. He should have picked an unarmed “creepy-ass cracker”. Oh, and there was that verdict thing. There was that, too.

It’s not that Robertson can do no wrong; he just DID no wrong. Robertson has admitted to being a sinner himself; a bad sinner, before he found his own salvation. Now, he does what he can to help others not make the same mistakes. And that is all well and good… just as long as he does not mention the wrong protected class.

Ronald J. Ward
YOU’R GETTING MORE LUNATIC, every time you come to debate,
you blame the CONSERVATIVES because they use their brain more than you all democrat,
you”re too obvious, people are watching you, and don”t take anyone for fools ,
because they are not in OBAMA “s pants,

@Ronald J. Ward:

So Mandela was a vote suppressing racist when he signed a photo ID law for South Africa?