There is a competition regarding the opportunity to hear Obama speak at a school.
The White House is ramping up an effort to promote a nationwide competition to decide which high school wins a commencement speech by President Obama.
An internal White House memo indicates that the White House is facing a shortage of applications less than a week before the deadline.
Officials were unable to explain the reason for the apparent lack of interest, beyond pointing to possible procrastination by school systems.
The loser gets Obama.
Last year 999 schools learned that they were not worthy.
So, this year only 14 had not learned the lesson of what it means to not be worthy.
Then Obama turned on his PR machine and got, what?, another 50 schools to go through the motions?
He brought this upon himself!
i love the loser gets obama comment.
i’m sure a lot of households are cutting back on wimsical spending . there is a lot of fear and uncertainty in our households right now and people are blaming this president and his ilk. rightly so.
i would like to know where the schools are located that are have submitted their application. what states?
obama has one big ego, to have a competition to see who gets to have him at the!
White House moving to repair troubled relationship with Cabinet
Some how that headline doesn’t inspire confidence.