X post by Insurrection Barbie
Three defendants in their early 20s talked a lot about a stolen election, how their country was stolen and how they were angry on social media. They all lived in different states and they only communicated via social media because of their political affiliation. They did not know each other before that, and they never said anything other than we should all go to the same rally that is being held in DC.
They decided to meet in DC on J6. They had multiple conversations that they had to be there in the event that DC “burns down” so they could stop it. If you look at other statements they had made in the past, it was clear that they were referencing the riots that happened in 2020 and how if Donald Trump ended up winning after the certification was challenged, they were worried that Washington DC was going to be burned down. All three of them seperately decided to go to a rally where tens of thousands of people decided to attend.
One of them had a wooden club. They entered the capital. They pushed a large Trump sign in front of a door. They yelled and screamed along with everybody else who was yelling and screaming as they were being tear gassed. They were in the middle of a fairly large crowd, so of course there was pushing because when you put 1000 protesters in the same spot and you tear gas them, there will be pushing and shoving.
They did not touch a police officer. They did not hit a police officer. They did not break anything they did not damage anything.
They did speak a lot about a stolen election right before they came to DC. They did call Joe Biden and the federal government a lot of names on social media.
For this they were charged with:
– Conspiracy to commit obstruction of an official proceeding;
– Obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting;
– Civil disorder;
– Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers, using a dangerous weapon and aiding and abetting;
– Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon;
– Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon;
– Impeding ingress or egress in a restricted building or grounds and aiding and abetting;
– Engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon and aiding and abetting;
– Carrying a dangerous weapon in a capital ground or building;
– Disorderly conduct in a building or grounds;
– Impeding passage through the grounds or building and aiding and abetting;
– Acts of physical violence in the capital grounds or building; and
– Parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capital building.
Three guys in their early 20s, none of them have had a prior criminal record, these are first time nonviolent offenders. Yes I said non-violent because pushing a sign and being pushed and shoved, and maybe accidentally pushing and shoving people in the middle of a riot is not a violent offender.
The DOJ threw in a conspiracy charge because only one of them had a wooden club and they wanted to charge all three of them with all of those deadly weapons charges.
So they overcharged them to the point where it would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars to have an attorney try to fight this or they could just accept the plea deal that was shoved down their throat that gave them 41 months in prison.
Four years in prison for pushing a sign, closing a door and being in the middle of a push and shove situation during a riot while being tear gassed.
And the entire time this was going on they were never released on bond.
You tell me, do you think that is a gross abuse of power?
After President Trump pardoned the J6 political prisoners, Jeremy Brown suddenly disappeared.
Former CBS reporter Laura Logan has an update on Jeremy’s “disappearance.”
Jeremy released a statement claiming he was initially told he’d be released, only to later be informed it was a so-called “mistake.”://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gh2m0dJWoAAW4Zt?format=jpg&name=large
There was no mistake.
He’s been pardoned.
Where is he?
He and others….Find out who ordered the hostages moved.
Jeremy Brown
Darrell Neely
Jason Tasker
Daniel Ball
Dominic Box
Andrew Grigsby
Taylor Taranto
Theodore Middendorf
David Daniels
Edward Kelly
Benjamin Martin
These are scalps. The DoJ of Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland wanted to make sure anyone that didn’t support the leftist agenda of the Democrats would be scared away from offering any opposition. Even the slightest opposition could result in extensive prison time and personal ruin.
These 3 times 500. No doubt, there was some physical resistance, but due to the overall lack of credibility, unless we relitigate every case with NEW evidence, none of the convictions are credible.
We’ve had fascism. Hopefully that is gone forever.