‘No s**t, Sherlock’: John Kerry stars in your ‘duh!’ headline of the day

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Do you have your shocked faces on? Because you’re gonna need ‘em when you read this:

More from the AP:

Russia is engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I’ve seen since the very height of the Cold War,” Kerry told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “And they have been persisting in their misrepresentations — lies — whatever you want to call them about their activities there to my face, to the face of others on many different occasions.”

Whoa. Whoa. Do you mean to say, Mr. Secretary, that Russia has been less than forthcoming about its intentions in Ukraine?


Russia Pushes Reset Button–
obama missile russia
Missile reads: “To be personally delivered to Obama.”

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what do you expected from an aging, democratic drunk? OH! How many times did he shot himself for purple hearts.

Hey, Mr. Kerry, how about the Soros-funded, Fascist coup in Ukraine that started all of this mess?

@MOS+8541: I think Lurch actually only shot himself one time. He was desperate to get out.

Par for the course.
Kerry named the State Dept’s first international envoy for gay rights Monday, to fight violence and discrimination against LGBT individuals overseas.
“Defending and promoting the human rights of LGBT persons is at the core of our commitment to advancing human rights globally — the heart and conscience of our diplomacy,” Kerry said.
I wonder if Kerry is going to send this guy to …….
1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
10 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Lesotho
15 Liberia
16 Libya
17 Malawi
18 Mauritania
19 Mauritius
20 Morocco
21 Namibia
22 Nigeria
23 Senegal
24 Seychelles
25 Sierra Leone
26 Somalia
27 South Sudan
28 Sudan
29 Swaziland
30 Tanzania
31 Togo
32 Tunisia
33 Uganda
34 Zambia
35 Zimbabwe
36 Afghanistan
37 Bangladesh
38 Bhutan
39 Brunei
40 India
41 Iran
42 Kuwait
43 Lebanon
44 Malaysia
45 Maldives
46 Myanmar
47 Oman
48 Pakistan
49 Palestine/Gaza Strip
50 Qatar
51 Saudi Arabia
52 Singapore
53 Sri Lanka
54 Syria
55 Turkmenistan
56 United Arab Emirates
57 Uzbekistan
58 Yemen
59 Antigua & Barbuda
60 Barbados
61 Belize
62 Dominica
63 Grenada
64 Guyana
65 Jamaica
66 St Kitts & Nevis
67 St Lucia
68 St Vincent & the Grenadines
69 Trinidad & Tobago
70 Cook Islands
71 Indonesia (Aceh Province and South Sumatra)
72 Kirbati
73 Nauru
74 Papua New Guinea
75 Samoa
76 Solomon Islands
77 Tonga
78 Tuvalu

In other words, will he just party in gay-friendly countries on our dime or will he go where homosexuality is criminalized and try to shame changes?
And where are those gay friendly countries?
Netherlands USED to be, no more.
Same with Denmark, UK, France, Greece.

@Nanny G:

And where are those gay friendly countries?
Netherlands USED to be, no more.

Don’t tell George. He’d be surprised.