‘No moral compass’: Leaked internal DC police training on Antifa details group’s violence against civilians

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by Mia Cathell

A ransomware attack that hacked the police department in the nation’s capital included leaked internal law enforcement training on Antifa’s ideology and tactics.

Last week, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington, DC, suffered an enormous data leak of internal information, amounting to an enormous 250GB trove of private files, after refusing to meet the blackmail demands of Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate Babuk.
The ransomware gang had published extensive profiles of 22 officers Tuesday as part of an extortion attempt. The files on current and former police officers are in-depth and include personal information such as Social Security numbers, dates of birth, results of psychological assessments, copies of driver’s licenses, fingerprints, polygraph test results, as well as residential, financial and marriage history.
In the training memo, MPD officials described Antifa as “a conglomeration of left-wing autonomous, militant anti-fascist groups in the United States,” noting that the “principal feature” of Antifa groups is the usage of “direct action.”
Authorities recognized that Antifa engages in varied protest to riot-related tactics, including “digital activism, property damage, physical violence, and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist, or on the far-right.”

Antifa tends to be anti-capitalist, the memo states, and are militant far-leftists, such as anarchists, communists, and socialists. The group’s self-described focus is on “fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than through electoral means,” the internal data explains.

“This group by far is the most violent we have dealt with over the years,” the MPD maintained. “As you all are aware during the Inauguration of President Trump this was the group that destroyed property, assaulted any Trump supporter they ran into includ[ing] the elderly. They have no moral compass on who they go after.”

At the 2017 riot on the inauguration of former President Donald Trump, a limousine was lit ablaze, multiple vehicles were also set on fire, and black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators clashed with law enforcement several blocks away from the White House. Rocks and bottles were launched at cops dressed in riot gear, in which six local officers were reported injured by rioters.

Rioters dragged garbage cans into the streets near Pennsylvania Avenue which also became sites of arson. Numerous storefronts were defaced, causing tens of thousands of dollars in property damage.
Agitators used chunks of pavement and baseball bats to shatter the glass windows of several businesses downtown, including one of the Bank of America branches and one of the McDonald’s locations—all symbols of American capitalism.
The key conclusion made by the internal MPD training material on Antifa points out that if you do not believe in what Antifa believes in, you are nothing more than “a target of violence” to the violent extremist organization.
“Whoever compiled the report understands the most important things about [A]ntifa,” commented The Post Millennial’s editor-at-large Andy Ngo.
Ngo, who quoted the material rather than uploaded screenshots, reported that the MPD also provided various law enforcement strategies to counter Antifa. However the countermeasures may be too sensitive to further circulate online.

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Time to have Antifa placed on the list of Domestic Terrorists and consitetred Public Enemy #1

And if you actually believe that is at all likely to happen then I have some choice, ocean-front property for sale only 5 short miles from beautiful downtown South Padre Island – DUE EAST.

You need to deal with your Trump problem before talking about anybody else’s defective moral compass.

The “Trump problem” is a leftist invention to distract from the ANTIFA problem the left has created. Compare the worst of the Jan. 6 riot to your ongoing and constant ANTIFA violence. The “Trump problem” you use to suppress legitimate political opponents is non-existent.

comrade greggy-poo: you are a big supporter of apartheid racism?? next you will be accusing Israel of apartheid behavior against the sunni muslim terrorist group hamas. you did know that hamas is a slinter group from the muslim brotherhood in 1987, or were you completely discombobulated as to the origin of this terrorist group. you sleep with a big biden terrybear?

An unbiased assessment of the leftist thug group ANTIFA, yet the DC police (or any other force in a liberal city) takes no action against them. No, the socialist police state of idiot Biden wants to consolidate power by eliminating legitimate political opposition through violation of civil rights base on their imaginary “Qanon” threat.

antif**k-up is a terrorist groups no different that hamas. obviously ap shared a building for over 10 yeas with with sunni-muslin terrorist group that has ties to the above domestic terrorist group in America. here are some suggestions to determine if you work in a building housing these terrorist elements:

It’s all too common in corporate America: you’re hanging out by the water cooler and you suddenly think to yourself, “Hey, wait a minute — is that guy over there with the AK-47 part of a violent insurgent group internationally recognized as terrorists? I think he just might be!” Yep — accidentally sharing office space with terrorists is a real problem.

Make sure your building doesn’t get leveled by a retaliatory airstrike by checking your office space for these eight signs that you might be sharing the building with terrorists:

1. You notice suicide vests hanging on the coat rack. – This could be a hint.

2. The tenants upstairs are constantly disrupting things with their loud footsteps and their rocket launches off the roof. – Upstairs tenants are the worst!

3. You hear cries of “ALLAHU AKBAR!” whenever someone empties the coffee pot and doesn’t bother to make another batch. – Accompanied by firing an AK-47 into the air.

4. The office Christmas party gets awkward when the other tenants bring IEDs for the gift exchange. – This could get weird!

5. They only play CNN in the lobby. – The surest sign something is up.

6. Discussion around the water cooler centers on sports, TV shows, and cleansing the region of those who would oppose Allah. – When the other tenants start talking about pushing Israel into the sea, you should probably start wondering if your officemates aren’t who you thought they were.

7. The other tenants are always reserving the conference room to film hostage videos. – Companies sharing space with one another can often result in scheduling conflicts.

8. You get notified by the IDF that you are sharing office space with terrorists and your building is leveled shortly after. – A sure sign that perhaps those guys upstairs were actually Hamas.

Welp, best get to searching for a new office to lease! Just keep an eye out for any of these warning signs so it doesn’t happen to you again!

The Bee: enjoy, or to close to home for you?

Why are republicans blocking a full bipartisan December 6th investigation? That would include a full investigation of the BLM/Antifa involvement that they claim was behind it all, wouldn’t it?

The second question is actually the answer to the first question. Republican party support is now resting entirely on a foundation of Trumpian b.s. that they know perfectly well won’t stand up to close inspection any better than Trump’s crooked tax returns and financial dealings.

Democrats, having instigated and then remorselessly exploited the riot, should not be involved. For instance, recall the Mueller “investigation” of an accusation Democrats already KNEW were false. Or Schiff keeping exculpatory evidence and testimony buried.

No, Democrats cannot be trusted to find the “truth”.