At a fundraiser on Thursday night, President Obama went on at length about the unfairness of the media, which he actually believes is too lenient on conservatives, and too hard on him.
From the White House transcript:
“You’ll hear if you watch the nightly news or you read the newspapers that, well, there’s gridlock, Congress is broken, approval ratings for Congress are terrible. And there’s a tendency to say, a plague on both your houses. But the truth of the matter is that the problem in Congress is very specific. We have a group of folks in the Republican Party who have taken over who are so ideologically rigid, who are so committed to an economic theory that says if folks at the top do very well then everybody else is somehow going to do well; who deny the science of climate change…
…So when you hear a false equivalence that somehow, well, Congress is just broken, it’s not true. What’s broken right now is a Republican Party that repeatedly says no to proven, time-tested strategies to grow the economy, create more jobs, ensure fairness, open up opportunity to all people.”
It’s really breathtaking how Obama can’t recognize that people can honestly disagree with his policies because they aren’t working. He said the stimulus would fix the economy, and Obamacare would fix the economy, and six years later, nearly all Americans recognize that the economy is sputtering along.
Communism is not a proven, time-tested strategy that grows the economy, creates more jobs, ensures fairness, or opens up opportunity to all people. Rather, history has repeatedly proven communism to be a sure fire recipe for equitable poverty and atrocity.
Poll: Republicans Likely To Do Better Job On Economy, Foreign Policy, Deficit And Taxes Than Democrats
I don’t know what nightly news or newspapers Obama is referring to because almost every one of them is in the tank for him and Democrats.
I heard that in 4 days there was more coverage of Christie’s ”Bridgegate,” on news shows than in one whole month of the IRS scandal.
But then again it is Obama’s usual straw man… specific news show or article, just like no specific Republicans.
Just ”folks, some folks.”
Actually it is ”words, just words.”
He’s just a man living in a bubble with a closed mind. No wonder he thinks this way.
@Nanny G: Here lately, the MSM has only been 99.8% in the tank for Obama. The abject unfairness he refers to is that .02%.
He is angry. He is mad. The sycophantic panegyrists have allowed some cracks in the dam. He has only a certain number of fingers, and can no longer plug all the cracks. The WH propaganda machine, which produces a 5 AM talking points brief for the lame-stream media, spells out what is to be covered each day. Zippy cannot figure out how to punish those who dare to suggest that the Emperor has no clothes. And each stray commenter gets a little attention, encouraging others to do the same. He hasn’t been able to get Fox News off the air. He hasn’t figured out how to hush the blog sphere. He actively discouraged conservatives who wanted tax-exempt status for their work in confronting rampant socialism by using the IRS. He has unleashed the EPA against electricity. He has his flock of Czars regulating our every breath (how much we will have to pay, per breath, for the CO2 we exhale?).
Spend all your time focused on your legacy, and THAT will be your legacy!
The Obama policy, which is created by his handlers, has always been to do what they want and then play the “It’s all Bush’s fault” card. If one scandal (Fast and Furious) comes to the surface, discount it with another scandal (the IRS persecution of conservative/Christian/Jewish groups). Create plausible deniability by blaming ignorance of the situation and lay the responsibility at the feet of some low level lackey (as with the IRS scandal). Overload the system with one scandal after another until none of the scandals hold any shock value or any importance.
Pure Alinsky.
What came first, the coke or the delusional personality?
You have an entire ‘news’ channel which spreads anti-Obama lies 24/7 (Fox) and you have the right wing radio cretins spewing nonsense.
@This one: So what’s the source for non biased straight news? John Stewart?
@This one: What are the lies, This one? How about naming ONE?
What you might consider as a possibility is that the information you are not hearing on the left wing, corrupt MSM mouthpieces is not being made up by Fox; it is being covered up by MSM.
In other words, you would realize that your entire ideology is based on lies.