Nikki Haley Holds Russia Responsible For Syrian Gas Attack

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When he wrote about the Syrian chemical weapon attack Sunday, Jazz noted that the U.S. State Department response seemed to be leaning pretty heavily on Russia’s responsibility. Monday, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley reinforced that message when speaking to an emergency meeting of the Security Council.

“The day we prayed would never come has come again,” Haley said. She continued, “Chemical weapons have once again been used on Syrian men, women, and children.” Haley went on to describe the photos and videos of the dead which she said showed the hallmarks of yet another chemical attack on civilians.

“The Russian regime whose hands are all covered in the blood of Syrian children cannot be ashamed by pictures of its victims,” Haley said. More from Politico:

“We must not overlook Russia and Iran’s roles in enabling the Assad regime’s murderous destruction,” Haley added. “Russia could stop this senseless slaughter if it wanted, but it stands with the Assad regime and supports without any hesitation.”…

Haley also said Russia was to blame for blocking a U.N. resolution pushing for a cease-fire in Syria’s bloody civil war, as well as a mechanism to investigate chemical weapons attacks.

“Pictures of dead children mean little to governments like Russia who expend their own resources to prop up Assad,” Haley said. “And this council, which saw these pictures last year, has failed to act. Because Russia has stood in its way every single time.”…

“What we’re dealing with today is not about a spat between the United States and Russia,” she said. “Russia’s obstructionism will not continue to hold us hostage when we’re confronted with an attack like this one. The United States is determined to see the monster who dropped chemical weapons on the Syrian people held to account.”

All of this comes after President Trump tweeted Sunday that “Russia and Iran” were responsible for the chemical attack and wared there would be a big price to pay.

Trump hinted yesterday that he was weighing some kind of serious response to the attack saying it couldn’t be allowed. As Jazz pointed out yesterday, there was some sort of air attack near Homs which has now been confirmed to be carried out by Israel.

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Proof, chemical analysis The terrorists were losing why kill a couple of dozen with chemical weapons, holds as much water as the tale of Putin failing to kill his ex spy by sending a bad chemist to carry out an assassination, putting the spy exchange agreement in jeopardy. Seems there is something nefarious afoot.

@kitt: Think you are wrong on both—Putin’s a thug.
Good for Trump and Haley–tough lady.
Obama should have taken Assad out—hopefully Trump will eliminate with extreme prejudice.
Russians warned to get out of the way–fury to rain down.

@Richard Wheeler: You dont think, you repeat what the MSM tells you to think. Obamas orders destabilized enough how is Libya doing, open slave markets, Iran decimating the Christian population, is that the results you like? When areas are relieved the population runs to Assad or to invade EU. Do you think the EU needs more refugees? Putin just needs a warm weatherport for oil and gas exports to keep Europeans warm. Oh Saudi Arabia cant have that so stops peace talks and uses Isreal to attack HOMs nearly triggering all out WW3. The Russians were going to retailiate against OUR TROOPS, they believed us why cant we believe them?
Nafarious sh!t afoot, wake up Marine.

@kitt: Read what I said–Obama screwed up when he didn’t take out the murderous Assad and believed Putin’s lies.
Hopefully DT will get it done.
What kind of insanity would have us believing Putin, based on his track record?-

Wish right wingers would get off this blame the media for everything—gets very old.

@Richard Wheeler: I agree totally that Putin is not a good guy, but he did turn jets, ready to fire on our troops, around after his side was fired on by Isreal who had no business in Syrian airspace.
Obama had no business going after Gadaffi, none, he had given up his nuclear ambitions. What threat to the USA is Assad? This is global elitist bullshit, are you willing to put American lives on the line for that crap?The VA hospitals cant handle the load as it is. The left are such warmongers, especially if they can blame it on Trump.
Its not as complex as it seems puppet masters making money from both sides, willing to make blood sacrifice, but not their own.

Another one of Obama’s messes which keeps getting worse and worse. No doubt Trump will be criticized for not waving a magic wand and fixing this instantly.

@kitt: Israel has to worry about those weapons making it to and across their borders. Israels does not screw around; they take care of business and let the opinions, which lean anti-Semitic anyway, be damned.

The damned nut-less UN should have stopped this years ago. It was not the United States’ responsibility to defeat Assad; it was none of our business. But the UN leadership is so drunk on bribes and corrupt that they cannot stand up to anything Islamic or Russian.

@Deplorable Me: Homs isnt exactly near the border
Who asked Isreal to bomb an airbase, they have yet to answer why, obviously they didnt ask Trump. Assad being backed into a corner by Obama with him arming the terrorists, they took Iran and Russias help. Syria has not recognized Isreal and Iran developing nuclear weapons with the the dream of destruction for both Isreal and the US, Relations with Saudi Arabia as a possible ally, its proxy wars, Sand fleas none of them can coexist. One theory is it was a punishment for the chemical weapon used hitting a base with Iranian presence just a bonus. There is still no proof yet Assad dropped a container from a helicopter. We know these “freedom fighters” are organ harvesting captives without anesthesia, and selling People into slavery to fund their bloodlust.
Hell the Christians in Germany cant do this anymore

@kitt: They didn’t ask Trump, but they let him know before hand. If it’s in Syria, it’s on their border. For Israel, it is never a matter of IF but always WHEN and Israel knows what putting off the inevitable results in.

I think it’s possible some of Assad’s commanders act without authority.

ELIMINATE ASSAD WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE—-the world will be a better place and I’ll lead the kudos for Trump, Mattis and our American warriors.

@kitt:EXACTLY Not taking out Assad was Obama’s biggest error. Let’s see if our windbag in chief can get it done–as mentioned I’ll lead the cheers.—oh rah

@kitt: Obama had a knack for doing the wrong thing in all the wrong places. It is hard to imagine that was ALL due to incompetence.

@Deplorable Me: They were all oh rahing for Saddams overthrow then Bush lied people died. Warmongers without skin in the bloodlust game its disgusting. Every last one of them should be forced to house and support an unvetted refugee.

@kitt: Are you saying Obama did the right thing by not holding Assad accountable for his over the red line gassing of his people?
If so then say so–you can’t have it both ways KITT—say oh rah BHO for your temperance—your studied patience for not taking out Assad.

@kitt: The US had a legitimate interest in getting rid of Hussien, who was creating the next terrorist staging area and not only had some WMD’s (though the intelligence was seriously flawed) but had a quick turn capability to restart his WMD manufacturing capabilities.

In Syria, we had no interests. Sure, there was a gigantic humanitarian concern, but that was were the UN should have stepped in instead of turning a blind eye and blaming Israel for every bad event in the Middle East. Instead, Obama, believing his own press, thought the sheer power of his personality and charisma would cause Assad to cower. This led to Obama shrinking back from his “red line” and Putin jumping in to benefit greatly off of Obama’s stupidity.

So now what? If peace through strength is ever to work again, that strength has to be shown to be effective and lethal. Obama opened the door to aggression and exploitation of weakness. The insanity of these left wing “investigations” doesn’t make the ability to react to threats look any more affirmative, either. We’d better hope and pray that message can be gotten across firmly and definitively without it erupting into a major war.

@Richard Wheeler: I’m saying experts need to test the chemicals They can tell where they were manufactured. In a conflict with so many axes to grind and proxies we need to be suspicious. Sand fleas seem to only have a thriving safe country when ruled by ruthless dictators. BHO did nothing but arm and fund terrorists and call them freedom fighters. Im weary of our young men and women blown to bits, in countries that are no threat to our homeland. Bush Jr. got us mired in the ME against all previous warnings from Storming Norman.
Obama did not give us 1 day of peace in his time.
We shouldn’t rush in on preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

@kitt: To be clear, we weren’t “mired” until Obama pulled forces out before the areas were secured. Iraq was secured and the government was getting its legs under it when Obama decided ISIS would be a better partner in the region. Afghanistan may always have to be maintained.

Basically, we lost eight years of possible progress. THAT’S what mired us.

@Deplorable Me:

Afghanistan may always have to be maintained.

Thats mired and days after DT announced we would leave Syria oh surprise a gas attack in a city that was just about taken. Pulled off by Iran? A leaderless Syria would be perfect for them, a border on Israel. A christian slaughter, just like after Hussien, and tons more “diversity” for Merkel.
Not being able to leave is mired.
A repeated surgical stikes on jihad training camps then get out would have saved us years of being mired.

@kitt: Oh, I don’t disagree we are now mired. However, I believe that had we had eight years of the same progress in Iraq that we were seeing before Obama grandstanded with pulling all the troops out, we would probably only have a small presence there. Furthermore, had Obama not promoted the Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood we would not have seen the revolt in Syria… or Iraq, or Libya, or Egypt.

@Deplorable Me: IMO hired jihadists from nigeria are not a civil uprising. Gadaffi was in power for 40 years No the oil proceeds were not all going into the pockets of the oil companys he was providing free education and free medical, bonuses for motherhood, NOT a saint. There were eastern tribes that felt they were not getting a fair share, we have seen it the more you give the greedier they get. In 40 years his country had the highest standard of living in all Africa, dragging muslims out of the 16th century is difficult especially if you have the snuff to give women ya Women rights. The West just could not stand to let him show them he could make the country thrive without them benevolently stripping the country of its resources. There is certainly more death and misery now that there is no despot in charge.

@kitt: That’s crazy to paint Gadaffi or Assad in any color other than dark– ruthless power driven dictators with the blood of their OWN people on their hands–The world and their countries a better place with them in a ditch. Your seeming ambivalence towards Putin is also questionable..

Is DT gonna step up in Syria or is he just bluster?
Thoughts on Ryan leaving?
The Cohen raid?
Will DT fire Rosenstein first?–could he survive firing Mueller?

Will Melania stay for the sake of Baron? Can DT go back to The Apprentice where he could fire at will with impunity.

Should we just let it all play out with a throwback Thursday? What ya got?

@Richard Wheeler: Ryan hasnt been worth the powder to blow him to hell since he was chosen as Mitts running mate, nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye.
Oh yeah Rich Libya is so much better now. I guess you cant wait for the last defender of Christians in the ME to be dragged through the streets and killed, so the wahabbists can behead more babies.
Just ignore this was all over the news in February, there will be civilian casualties as terrorists have a cowardly habit of hiding behind them, or desert their families and run to Europe for a free ride, even knowing how unprotected women and little boys are used by their buddies.
The first and this attack are false flags, Assad had a only few more terrorists to mop-up Trump said no regime change and we were pulling out soon and whoa this happens. But the Saudis recently getting cozy with Isreal dont want the US to pull out
could they afford to pay for a small attack? Iran has a presense there, so easy to pull this off and point a finger. Are you ready to support a war with Russia over Syria? How about World war? False flag does not mean an event didn’t happen, it means the accused did not do it.