“The election next November will have ramifications for generations,” Haley said in a statement released by the Romney campaign. “Neither South Carolina nor the nation can afford four more years of President (Barack) Obama, and Mitt Romney is the right person to take him on and get America back on track.”
This may count for Romney more outside of South Carolina. Jake Tapper points out Nikki Haley is actually not all that popular in her state at the moment.
But I think she’s being derided for being a prisoner of the Tea Party. If that’s the case, it helps Romney a bunch, since her endorsement will help him with the cohort most resistant to him.
Domenech says it’s largely because she had a bad legislative session.
Anyway, it certainly can’t hurt Romney to have a Tea Party darling on his team.
And once again, the “Tea Party” has been unmasked as a scam and a fraud-controlled opposition of the Republican Party.
Notice how the TP office holders are falling nicely into line backing the hyper-big-government liberal, Mitt Romney.
Big Deal. She new she had too to stay in the good graces of the GOP. And I know alot of Tea Party people and we are not happy with Rommy at all. No way. No how.
Christine O’Donnell also endorsed him. Which is… not such a good get.
@Gary G. Swenchonis
Thank you for proving my point: TP = Republican big government.
I’m unaware that any single elected “in” speaks for, or embodies, an entire grassroots movement. Nor that Haley, or Christine O’Donnell, Chris Christie or Scott Brown have any power to dictate to the TP who they shall, or not, support in the primaries.
All of the above mentioned pols rode to recent prominence, or power, on the TP’s coattails during the midterms. All of the above, save Scott Brown have expressed their support for Romney currently, or in the past…. right along with a gaggle of supposedly conservative punditry.
Even Amy Kremer, self declared head of one faction the Tea Party movement (yup… divides in there too) had the chutzpah to suggest she spoke for the entire movement, saying *any* GOP nominee would get the backing of “the entire Tea Party movement”…. including Romney.
Really? And who died and made her voting god for all?
In fact, the movement is made up of so many individual views that even the self-declared (as she loves to remind us) de facto leader of the TP – Michele Bachmann – hasn’t run away with their support.
Apparently not… And certainly if you want to consider Haley the entire Tea Party, Bachmann is obviously dead wrong. I’ve heard her repeat this mantra of self-assumed qualifications quite often now, and I have to wonder just who she is trying to convince.. herself, or the movement that isn’t flocking to the polls in support.
While Bachmann has a conservative voting record, she doesn’t even seem to be able to lead “her own” TP flock to the polls in support of her candidacy. Part of this may be that Bachmann spends half her time in debates, whining about if she’s being taken seriously (when she makes many factual errors) – or not getting enough questions – and the other half extolling how wonderful she is.
Sorry… already got one “me me me, ain’t I wonderful” person in the WH. Not sure I can stomach another.
But Haley is *not* “the Tea Party”. And neither is Bachmann. I doubt that the movement will dutifully cast robot votes because of who any of them endorse.
Here’s why the TP is not disgraced by the predictable choices of these politicians…. one need only look at the poll results that still favor the unthinkable Newt, or even the higher than normal support for the party’s token tin foil Representative, Ron Paul. What they have in common is both are considered extreme, albeit in different ways.
The resistance against the so-called obvious “safe” bet on an Obama’lite Romney candidacy is not resonating outside of the GOP mouthpieces. The polling shows a hefty majority aren’t looking for a safe bet at all, or relying on who feels they own the Tea Party. They are looking for one who may take some chances with more radical solutions. And they are seeing that in the more unlikely candidates, much to the pols and GOP media’s chagrin.
Any of the current selection are, admittedly, to the right of Obama… some not so much. But then, that’s a low bar and threshold. Even Hillary looks more “right” leaning than Obama and the majority of his staff or advisers.
However slightly to the right of Obama is a foolhardy compromise, and a wasted opportunity these days. Especially when the trends and times demand more dramatic “change”.
The “leadership” of the Tea Party has, in fact, been falling in-line behind the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney.
Just because you’re apparently having difficulties digesting this information or keeping up with the rapid movements of this political cycle doesn’t give you carte-blanche to ignore it at your own behest.
The TP “leadership” (sort of an oxymoron in itself) has chimed in with the RINOs. But if you’re having apparent difficulties digesting the reality of polls that don’t show the flocks following these so called “leaders”, then you ignore healthy signs of dissent at your own behest.
@MataHarley: Here, let me help you understand what I wrote, Mata:
There is your “leadership”. Got it? That is what I wrote, and you, apparently not realizing it, agreed with me. Here, let’s see what you wrote:
Got it? I wasn’t referring to the grass-roots, Mata. I was very clear, except apparently for you, in my differentiation on who in the TP supported the hyper-liberal Mitt Romney.
But you’re so blinded with envy and rage you have to make up shit to attack me, even when you agree with me.
Why Curt tolerates your trolling is beyond me.
I did agree with you that the “leadership” were climbing above the safe haven bandwagon. Where I disagree with you is your statement that this represents the entire Tea Party… i.e. your first sentence on this thread
The “tea party” is not their “leaders” when, in fact, the tea party may have organizers, but no leaders to dictate their political beliefs. Hence the push back for the less popular candidates showing so well… those that the “leaders” do *not* support.
Envy?? *My* trolling?????
You’re a hoot, soul’less amoeba. Hardly qualities I would envy. Must be terrible to live in your skin, harboring all that hate daily. And almost amazing to observe the truly delusional up front and close.
Sorry, I, in the end, hold the grass-roots eventually responsible for the actions of their leaders-not to the same degree as I do the leadership, but let’s face it, the TP has been unmasked as a fraud. It is nothing more than a puppet of the Republican leadership. It was designed to serve as an outlet for the frustration of the grass-roots. And the GR fell for it hook, line and sinker.
You, on the other hand, will make apologies day-in and day-out for the poor choices of the people in the RP and the controlled TP.
@MataHarley: Mata if i had an award to give you for such an accurate summary of what is happening amongst the Tea Party(or many of them) you would get it!!! Thank you! Maybe you need to send that short post to the friking GOP!!!! Maybe then they will pull their heads out of where the sun don’t shine. (at least i hope not) And wake up to reality. They are not able to get the rowdy herd of tea sheep in their corral because they don’t have anything we want as of yet. And no I don’t consider myself a TPer. Too damn many chiefs out there telling the press that they are in charge of us. Its not us!!! Its a set of beliefs and values that hold many of us together with the same goals. Maybe that’s why the GOP, the Hannitys, the orileys, the Coulters, and establishment keep saying that they can’t figure out why we refuse to go with the GOP man Rommy! Because they all laid down years ago with their precious GOP and have still not gotten out of that darn bed. And you nailed Bachman right between the eyes. My wife and some of our friends about tossed their cookies in the debate before last when she kept referring to Cain in an obvious and desperate attempt to get some more support. I am just conflicted with her because who else is there? Besides Rick S? who is lower on the totem pole than she is.
@Ivan: Sir, I think your thinking just like the GOP and the so called Tea Party leadership is thinking. those so called leaders are not getting it at all. look at the polls. listen to all the major pundits, and talking heads. They are all saying the same things, “no matter which candidate falls by the way side, the supporters go to anyone but Rommy.” I can only speak for those I stay in touch with by email, phone, and in person. WE DON’T WANT ROMMY!. He is your sterotypical professional politician who has helped to get us in this current mess. Ron Paul understands this bigtime, and is hoping to capitalize on it. Thats why he may run third party. Even the Trump. The GOP may not wake up till after the election, again.
@Gary G. Swenchonis:
Oh my… seems those pesky, non robotic TP’ers in SC aren’t falling into line behind their fearless leader…
But of course there are some who apparently are “having difficulties digesting this information or keeping up with the rapid movements of this political cycle, and want to ignore the overt rebellion of such endorsements. After all, it must be the movement’s fault, and they’ve been “unmasked” as “frauds”. /sarc LOL
So are you saying that when Nikki runs again these Tea Party people won’t vote for her???
Do you honestly believe that???
Like there is some rebellion going on. Laughable.
Tell you what, the TP gets impeachment proceedings going and I’ll buy into your “rebellion” hypothesis.
Till then, just a lot of talk.
In a word: Yes.
As mentioned, no one is endorsing Newt.Sarah is waiting, not to endorse but to join in the fray.She’d immediately assume front runner status, knock out all but Romney and Paul and make Dems very happy if she wins.
Don’t know how much polls or endorsements play into reality, rich wheeler, but Newt won the Tea Party Patriots straw poll conducted Sunday via teleconference.
Those rebellious Tea Party types just aren’t following the GOP establishment, or even their Tea Party “leaders” lead very well…. hazards of indy thought, I guess.
Mata Thanks for that input.Aided by the barrage of negative adds against him Newt may well finish no better than 3rd in Iowa and N.H. Palin has not, and in my opinion will not endorse.
I believe she wants it and will enter if Newt falters.I know you like her.Your thoughts and your hypothetical support should she get in. Thanks
Arrest federal judges. Any wonder Newt is the latest “anyone but Romney” casualty.